27: What

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Lilith's POV:

 I pull into the doctor's, and look over at Daniel. He grabs my hand and squeezes it tight. Without a word, we get out of the car, and start to walk to the Doctor's.

 Right now, I am about 9 weeks or 2 months pregnant. Let me just say, it has been the hardest 9 weeks of my life. No riding, no coffee. I get car sick, and I have bad morning sickness.

 We walk into the Doctor's, and I go to sign in. "Hi, I'm Lilith Trey, I am here for an ultrasound." I say, as I get to the front desk. "Okay, how far along are you?" The lady asks. I look at her name tag, and her name is Drew. "9 weeks." I state. Drew looks at her computer, and does typing for a minute. "Just fill this out, and give it back to me when you are done." She says, handing me a clip board and pen. "Thank you." I say.

 I go and sit by Daniel. "Are you married?" I read aloud, looking at Daniel. "Um, no, not that I know of." He teases, putting his arm around me. I fill out the paper, and give it to Drew. "The Doctor will be with you soon." She smiles.

 "Mr and Mrs.Trey?" I hear. I put down the magazine ad walk to the nurse, standing by a door. We walk down a hall, and to room 105. 

 "This will be cold." The nurse, named Tanya says. The jell is cold as she said, but I am too excited to mind. "Well, everything looks good." Tanya states. "The doctor will be here shortly." She says, and walks away.

 I wipe off the jell, and throw the napkin in the trash. I sit up on the bed, and look to Daniel. He is reading a pamphlet about baby care and birth. "Did you know that giving birth is the most painful thing ever?" He reads, looking at me in shock. "I'm sorry I did this to you." He says. "This is the best thing you ever did for me." I state, grabbing his hand.

 A few moments later, the doctor comes in. "Hi, I'm Dr.Allen." He says, sitting on a stool. "So, everything looks good." He says. "Also, you are having twins." Dr.Allen says, looking up from all his papers.

 Daniel and I look at each other in shock. "Wow." I say. "Double the fun." Daniel says, with a huge smile.

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