32: Words And More

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Lilith's POV:

 I wake up to Thomas and Paisley jumping on me. "Hey you two." I smile, scooping them into my arms. "Do you know what happens when you wake up mommy?" I ask, knowing they wont answer. "The monster comes out!" I yell, tickling Thomas with one hand, and Paisley with another.

 "Stwop it!" I hear Paisley yells. I instantly stop, and look at her confused. "Daniel, come here." I smile. "Whats up?" He asks, coming from the bathroom. "Paisley just said her first words." I shriek of happiness. "Come on Pay, something again." I urge her. "Mommy, Daddy." She says, pointing to me as she says mommy and Daniel when she says daddy.

 "Good job Pay!" Daniel says, picking  her up, and spinning her around. "Thomas, do you have anything to say?" I ask. "No." He whispers. "Tommy!!" I cry, picking him up and kissing him. "Lets go on a ride." I smile.

 We go outside, put Thomas on Justin, Paisley on Belle, Daniel on Boomerang and I on Chip. We ride around the woods and to the river. "Hey kids, watch this." I say, bringing Chip to a gallop, and jumping him over a fallen tree.

 They smile and laugh, as I trot Chip back their way. "Yaaaaa!" Paisley and Thomas yell, clapping. I smile, and  walk over by Daniel, with the twins in front of us."How many 1 year olds can ride a horse by their own?" I whisper. 

 "Not many, I bet your Mom did though." Daniel smiles. "Ya, her and Lou learned around 1." I say, looking at the twins. "Lou learned to ride that young? What happened? Daniel asks, looking at me.

 "Ya, my grandma and grandpa taught them when they were young. My grandpa got in a bad accident. He became a drug addict and my GG kicked him out. Lou was 15, and she never rode again after that." I tell Daniel.  

 "I didn't know that." He says, looking down at his reins. "Ya." I say. "What about your biological family." He asks, looking at me. "Well, I had a good life. Then when I was 9, my great grandmother died, and then a year later, my parents decided they didn't want me.' I answer.

 "I'm sorry, I didn't know." Daniel says. "Don't be, I'm happy it happened. I would have never met you." I smile, trying to hold back the tears. Daniel smiles, and kisses me.

 We get back home after awhile, and put the horses in the grazing arena. "Do you wanna go see Grandpa and Grandma?" I ask Thomas and Paisley. They jump in happiness, and running into the truck. Daniel and I laugh at the cuteness, and get in the car.

 We get to Heartland, and I see Dad and Mom outside, yelling at a female and male, whom I can't see their faces. I pick up Paisley, and put her on my hip, and Daniel does the same to Thomas. 

 "WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO SEE OUR CHILD!!" I hear the woman yell. "SHE DOESN'T WANT TO SEE YOU!" Dad yells back. "Whats up?" I ask, walking up to them. "Lilith?" The man yells. "John." I say, pulling Paisley higher up on my hip.

 "Who is this?" Daniel asks, coming up to my side. "John and Mackenzie Smith." I answer. "We are her parents." Mackenzie says. "No, you are the people who didn't want me, so put me up for adoption but no my brothers." I say angry. "Who is this?" John asks. "These are my kids." I say, giving him the death stare. 

  "Will you please leave so I can spend time with my family." I say blandly. "We are your family. We just want you to be happy." Mackenzie says. "If you want me to be happy you would leave." I snarl. "Fine." John says, turning on his heels and walking to the car.

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