4: Chip

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At this point, Amy was 8 months pregnant, and Georgie and Lilith took over with her clients. Amy just told them what to do.  It was cold out, with about 3 inches of snow on the ground, there was a beautiful view though.

"Lead him in slowly." Amy commanded Lilith. She was leading a horse Jay in a trailer, he was in a crash and had a fear of them. After 3 days of work, Jay had no fear of the trailer any more. "Good job!" Amy screeched in happiness. "I'll call the owner later today."

"It is freezing." Amy shivered, as her and Lilith put Jay in his stall. "You need a bigger jacket." Lilith laughed. "Haha very funny." Amy said sarcastically.

                         -Lilith's POV-

We walk upstairs to our loft, while Ty was making breakfast. "Hey it's my girls!" Ty said, kissing me on the forehead and Amy in the lips. These past 10 months have been amazing. Amy Ty and I are like a real family, and I skipped my grade and no I am in the same grade as Georgie!

We all sit to eat. "Damnit I can barely sit at the table." Amy said. "Well 1 month to go." Ty said. We finish eating. "Okay I have to go." I say looking at the time, and grabbing my bag.

"No, stay home today. Please." Amy begged, Ty left for work, and Amy couldn't do anything. "But school." I said. "Skipping one day won't hurt." Amy said once more. "I guess..." I drop my backpack, and sit by Amy in the couch.

"Is there anyone at school?" Amy asks. "Ya there is people.." I say confused. "No I mean you like." Amy explained. My mind goes to him, his fawn colored hair, and an up right style. "Maybe..." I say. Amy smiles.

  "WHO?!" She practically screams. "His name is Daniel." I say. Amy and I sit there forever, talking about Daniel. Finally, I decided I wanted to jump Chip, and Amy wanted to watch.

I set up the jumps and get Chip ready. I gallop around the area, and jump without any faults. A car pulls in HeartLand as I finish my last jump. I get off Chip and walk him to the truck.

"Hi." Amy says, greeting the man getting out. "What are you doing with my horse?" He asks violently. "What are you taking about?" I ask. "He disappeared from my house 6 months ago." The man said. "My niece found him, we put up posters but no one claimed him." Amy says.

"Give him to me now or I will see you in court." He threatened. "But..." I say. "Untack him." Amy says. I untack Chip. The man rips his lead rope out of my hand, and puts Chip in he trailer, and drives off.

"Lilith!" Amy hugged me. I just stand still, and dead inside.

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