19: The Career Starter

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Lilith's POV:

 I turn over, and see Daniel, leaning over me, and playing with my hair. "Hey." He says softly. "Hey." I yawn. "What time is it?" I ask, rubbing my tired eyes. "Um... 8:30." He answers, picking up his phone. "Damnit, I have to go." I say, standing from bed. "Why." Daniel whines. "I have a client at HeartLand. There us a jumping horse and Mom wants me to ride it while she watches." I say, changing from my pjs to some jeans and a tank top. 

 I slip into my boots, and go back to Daniel to give him a kiss. "Bye Dragon Breath." I tease. "Bye." Daniel smiles. "Brush your teeth!" I yell from the living room.

 I saddle up Chip, and start to ride to HeartLand. Daniel and I live at his house, which is only 10 miles, so I can be there in 20 if I gallop. I jump on Chip, and gallop to HeartLand. 

 When we get to the gates of HeartLand, I jump off Chip. We walk for a few feet, then I drop the reins. I start to walk, and Chip follows behind me, like a puppy. I start to jog, and Chip trots. I run and he canters. We do this all of the way to the barn, with Mom standing with what I assume is the new horse.

 "Hey." I say, gasping for air. 'When did you teach him that?" Mom asks, petting the horse next to her. "I don't know. One day I dropped the reins, and he just kept following me." I say, petting Chip. "You know, Spartan, does stuff like that too, maybe we can go do stuff today when we are done." She says, as I untack Chip.

 "Who is this?" I ask, as I coming out of the barn, from putting Chip away. "This is Krimp. She is a jumping horse. A few months back she broke her leg. The owner wants us to help her." Mom answers. "So kinda like rehab for a horse?" I laugh. "Ya, so we are going to start at a 1'0 jump, then go from there." Mom says. "How high did she jump?" I ask, getting on her. "She did 8 foot jumps." She answers. "8... 8 foot" I ask. "Yep." Mom says, giving me the reins. 

 I jump Krimp over the jump, and it felt like nothing. "I think we can go a foot higher." I say, trotting her to Mom. "No, we need to take this slow. Spartan broke his leg, and it took him a year just to get to a 5 foot." Mom says, jumping off the gate. "He did?" I ask "Now?"

 "Well a girl, Malory was jumping him, when he stepped wrong, and his leg just snapped." She says.

 Just then, Harper runs to the gate. "Sissie! Can I jump?" She asks, crawling under the gate, and to Krimp's leg. "Okay, let me just go get Chip." I say, jumping off Krimp. I walk her to the barn, and get Chip. I switch them, and put Krimp in her stall.

 "Okay Harp. Come here." I kneel down, and pick her up. I put her on the saddle, and jump behind her. "Lets goooo." I say, and Harpper giggles. I take a jump, only a 1'0 one, so not to bad. "Sissie, how high can you go?" Harper asks. "Lets see." I say.

 I jump off Chip, and take of Harper. I give the reins to her, ad walk to the jump. I move it to the highest it can go, 8'0. I get on Chip, and bring him in front of the jump. I gallop him, and bring him to the jump. He jump, and makes it with no fault.

 "Oh my god." I say trotting to the gate, where Mom Dad and Harper stand. "Did you just..." Mom asks. "Ya I did."

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