22: The Love I Need

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Lilith's POV:

I sit there, and cry in Mom's arms. It seems like forever. I think we were there for about an hour, we just sat there, and I cry in Mom's arms.

 I must have fallen asleep, I just woke up the next morning, under the blankets. I remember what happened last night, and I lie there for a few.

 I finally get up, and my feet hit the cold ground. I walk out of my room, and to the kitchen. "Hey." Dad says, turning from the stove to me. "How'd you sleep?" He asks, flipping a pancake. "Fine." I say, sitting at the bar.

 "Here you go." Dad says, putting a plate of blueberry pancakes in front of me. "Thanks, but I'm not hungry." I say, pushing the plate away. "What? You never turn down blueberry pancakes." Dad says. "I'm just not hungry." I say.

 "I'm going to go ride." I say, getting up. "Hey Lil, do you want to do the liberty work with Chip and Spartan?" Mom asks, catching me just before I left. "Um, sure." I say. "Wait, Chip can do liberty?" Dad ask, coming up behind Mom. "Well, kinda, he can follow me and that is it that I know of." I say. "Well go on." Dad says, pushing Mom and I out of the door.

 "Do you know how to ride bareback?" Mom asks, putting a halter on Spartan. "Are you kidding? I first rode bareback." I laugh. "Can you hand me Spartan's bridal?" Mom asks. "Ya here." I hand her Spartan's leather brown bridal. Then, I grab Chip's black one with gold D-rings.

 "Follow me." Mom says, hoping on Spartan's back, with me following on Chip. We start at a gallop, and go through the forest and to a small area, surrounded by trees, and it is still isolated. "When did you find this?" I ask, jumping of Chip's back. "A few years ago, I was riding Spartan and found it." She says,, uncliping Spartan's bridal, and throwing it on the ground. 

"Show me what you and Chip can do." Mom says, letting go of Spartan, and letting him graze the green grass. I unclip the bridal, and throw it next to Spartan's. "I love you." I whisper in Chip's lowered ear. "Come on Chip." I say, walking backwards a few feet. Chip lifts his drooped head, and starts to walk after me. I start to run. and he gallops. I run behind a tree, and he runs around looking for me. "BOO!" I yell, throwing my arms in the air. Chip rears, as I do.

"What the..." I say, after Chip's hooves fall to the ground. "Mom, what was Chip's background?" I ask, turning to her and Spartan. "He... He was born in an over crowed breeding place, he was sold to an abusive family, who made him do farm work. Then we got him, no way he was trained to do that." She says. "Then how?" I ask. "He really likes you, he really really likes you." Mom smiles. I smile, and hug Chip's long neck, extended high above the clouds.


 Hey. So I just wanted to say that I decided I wanted to give you my Heartland twitter fan account @Heartlandfan5 and there is a game, called My Horse where you take care of a horse, my name on that is LilithTrey and my horse is Chip, (yes both named after my book characters) and if you want to see what I imagined Chip to look like, look there.


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