chapter fifty; the end

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3 years later

" baby come on, I've got a surprise at home " Grayson smirked, pulling me towards the car and opening the door for me.
I groaned, although I still found it adorable that he'd gone through all of this trouble for my 21st birthday.

After a year of Grayson and I dating we moved to LA together, and we live in an apartment. Loren and Ethan also moved here, and they live in the same complex as us which is cool. I haven't seen Blake and the Rowland's in around 4 months, which is the longest we've ever been apart. They've been busy though, with relationships and family.
" you're going to love it, trust me " Gray smiled, pecking my lips before starting up the car and driving back to our apartment.

A sudden rush of adrenaline took over me as we walked down the corridor towards our apartment, hand in hand. Grayson seemed a little nervous, but he also looked excited. That worried me, but it all made sense when he unlocked the door, pushing it open to reveal darkness. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at the sight, since I thought Ethan and Loren would be here to celebrate with me when we got back. Without warning, all of the lights flicked on, so many faces which I recognised popping up from everywhere in the room. Everyone screamed surprise, filming the moment on their phones or clapping their hands together excitedly. My hand covered my mouth in shock as my eyes began to water, all of my friends running towards me and enveloping me in the largest hugs.
" Happy 21st bitch!! " I heard someone yell, catching me completely off guard.
I swivelled around quickly at the sound of their voice, bursting into tears at the sight of my bestfriend.
" Blake!! " I cried, jumping into his arms unexpectedly.
He laughed at my reaction, hugging me tightly while saying happy birthday and how he missed me.
" how did you get here?!? " I asked stupidly, making all of my friends laugh as they heard.
" the plane... but Grayson invited us, for your surprise party " Hunter butted in, and I gasped in shock when I saw him.
I gave him the largest hug, followed by Brandon who'd also snuck up on me during the conversation. I grinned from ear to ear as I saw Blake wrap his arm around Hunter's waist, pulling him closer to him with a smile. They're the cutest couple, and have been inseparable ever since they both came out to their families and friends. Of course they fight like cat and dog all of the time, but they love each other more than anything and can't live without one another.
I excused myself from them, walking towards Grayson and wrapping my arms around his neck.
" do you like it? " Grayson smirked, leaning down slightly.
" I love it, thank you " I whispered, standing on my tiptoes to connect my lips with his.
I pulled away when Ethan interrupted, waving his arms at me frantically.
" come on! Alex is going to sing for you " Ethan smiled, grabbing my wrist and pulling me even further into the huge crowd of friends.
All of my friends here have some sort of relation to YouTube or social media, since we met through that. Honestly, mine and Grayson's apartment is pretty big, but it was packed. I could barely move at some points, due to all of the people who'd kindly took the time out of their night to celebrate my 21st birthday with me.

I clapped my hands together in awe, thanking Alex for singing at my party and giving him a large hug. Just as he finished, music started to blare through the speakers, louder than ever. I swayed my hips to the beat, dancing beside Loren, Luna, Alissa and Alexa, along with the other guests who were huddled up and jumping up and down or dancing. By now we were twerking and dancing on tables, not even under the influence of alcohol yet. That was until I realised, I can legally drink now.
" may I present to you your first drink of the night, Mrs Ross? " Jack smirked, putting on a posh voice as he spoke.
I chuckled, doing a curtsy and taking the drink from his hand.
" yes you may, Mr Dail " I laughed, taking a sip of the beverage.
The liquid burned my throat slightly, making me scrunch up my nose at the bitter taste. Of course I've drank before, but now it's legal ;)


I removed the strand of hair from my face, slightly out of breath from all of the dancing and talking. The music cut out, as Grayson stood in front of the crowd and held a microphone in his hand.
" if you're about to fucking sing, I'm leaving!! " I heard Aaron yell from the crowd, making everyone laugh including Grayson.
" you wish, Carpenter " Grayson chuckled, looking at me directly and smiling.
" can the birthday girl please come up so I can say a few words? " Grayson asked, as everyone clapped while I made my way to the front.
I stood beside Grayson, as he looked down on me, grinning from ear to ear as he looked back out at all of our friends.
" thank you all for coming and making this possible, its been so amazing and we're not nearly done with the night yet " Grayson began, as another one of his friends interrupted.
" get sum' Gray!! " Cameron shouted, as Grayson shook his head while chuckling.
He carried on, taking my hand as he did so.
" I just want to say happy birthday to my beautiful girlfriend, who I love more than anything. I first found her when she said that she'd marry me in a game of kiss marry kill " Grayson smirked, as everyone laughed at the memory.

" and quite frankly, I want to make that happen " Grayson said quietly into the mic, as guests gasped and my jaw dropped.
He got down on one knee, looking up at me with eyes filled with lust.
Everyone at the party squealed in excitement, clearly shocked and excited while beginning to tear up.
" being with you for the past 3 years has been the best time of my life, and I don't want to spend the rest of my time with anyone else. We've shared so many memories, and we're only going to make more. So, I have one question " Gray smiled, as I covered my face with my hands and let a few tears out.
I couldn't hold it in, and soon enough I started to cry right in front of everyone, while Grayson pulled a small box out of his back pocket and popped it open. The most beautiful ring was inside, and I was shocked and completely frozen.
" will you marry me? " He asked with a smile, as I nodded instantly.
" yes " was all I could say, as everyone erupted in cheers and screams, jumping up and down in joy.
The facial expression on Grayson's face when I said yes was priceless, and it only made me ten times happier. He stood up, slipping the ring onto my finger before wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me passionately.
I pulled away slightly out of breath, looking into his hazel eyes deeply.
I can never get enough.

Crazy to say this all started off with a game of kiss marry kill, isn't it?
I chose to marry Grayson for a video,
And he noticed

And now here I am,
Marrying the person that I chose to marry in a stupid game,
But I can't really call it stupid, can I?

After all, I met my fiancé through it
And would I change that?
Hell no.

Kiss marry kill // GD

By xxjessthefangirlxx

The end


Thank you so much for taking the time to read, vote and comment on this book. I'm so so grateful for everything We're almost at fifty thousand reads on kiss marry kill, and that's insane. I really hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it! I love you all, and thank you again for reading this book;

-Jess Xx

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