chapter forty

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2 days later

" I wonder who wrote it, oh shit! " We yelled, singing along to the lyrics of iSpy by Kyle.
I turned the steering wheel, watching out at the road as everyone sang loudly, making me laugh a little.
" When will we get there? " Loren asked with a laugh, just as I pulled up at the mall.
" now " I smirked, parking the car and hopping out, closing the door behind me.
I heard all the doors slam shut, so I locked my car before walking off with everyone following me. Just seconds later I felt someone take my hand, swinging it as we walked. I didn't need to look to know it was Grayson.
" What shop first? " Gray asked, as I looked up at him, since he towers above me in height.
" I don't mind, I'll go anywhere! " I laughed, pulling him through the entrance and turning around to see all of our friends laughing as they walked.
The smell of sweet scents filled the air as we passed a fragrance shop, which we didn't enter. Sometimes too many artificial and strong scents give me headache.

We ended up managing to drag the boys to mac, which was quite funny. I even tested out some of the lipstick shades on Grayson's arm, which was now covered with different colours and types of lipstick. I took a photo of him, captioning it ' he comes in useful sometimes ' and posting it to snapchat.
" I think you'd suit this one " Brandon chuckled, pointing to the one on Grayson's upper arm.
I nodded, looking up at Grayson with a smile before looking back at Brandon. As soon as I looked at Brandon I saw Blake and Hunter behind him, instantly making me avert my attention to them. Blake seemed much more shy than usual, as he joked around with the eye shadows with Hunter. Hunter must've said something, because Blake returned to looking at the ground. He looked confused, as he looked up at me and we made eye contact quickly. Blake instantly looked away, returning his attention back to the half broken eye shadows and Hunter. I shrugged it off, realising that I'd completely zoned out on Brandon and Grayson.
" I'll try it on " I laughed, heading off to the counter.
Grayson didn't get the signal, so I grabbed his arm, pulling him along with me. I'm pretty sure I smudged half of the swatches, but they wouldn't last forever anyway.

After our long shopping session, we went to McDonald's for some food. We went through the drive threw, since we couldn't be bothered to wait in line for an hour or so. It was unusually busy, which was strange for this McDonald's considering that hardly anyone knows about it. It's hidden slightly behind the mall in a little street that never gets visited often... but I'm guessing people have found it.
We ordered our food, before driving back to my house for the night. We didn't have any other plans, so we decided to go with the flow and see where it takes us. After all, we can't make exciting plans every night while they're here.

Ethan was filming on snapchat in the car, as we blasted our music with the windows fully rolled down. Some people would say that driving like this with loud music is quite rude or ignorant, but I don't get why. Can't a person enjoy listening to music in their car? It's fun, especially with the windows down. It's much more refreshing that way.
" Get it, Brandon! " I heard Ethan laugh loudly, as Brandon screamed the lyrics at the top of his lungs.
I joined in, singing duet style with Brandon.
The car fell silent as soon as I joined in, as Grayson turned down the music from the front seat, and Brandon also shut up.
" what? " I asked, slightly bummed out that turned off the music, cutting mine and Brandon's funny singalong short.
" you're just really good " Ethan explained, and I shrugged.
" no seriously, you're voice is so amazing " Brandon added.
" like seriously, sign her up " Blake said from the backseat, making me laugh a little.
I shook my head, turning the music back up while thanking them. We started to dance along to the music, the occasional lyric slipping out of my mouth. Every time I'd sing everyone would pull out their phones, recording bits of it for Snapchat. It was funny, but I got a little shy with it too... even though I upload covers on YouTube.

We reached my house, rushing inside as it got darker. I'm pretty sure it was about to start to rain too. The weather can drastically change here, and it's slightly confusing.... but I do like a good change.

then a good change is what you'll get, Adylin.


A/N- just wanted to take the time so say that my heart goes out to all of those affected by the attack in Manchester. It's truly heartbreaking and was so unexpected😔 This world needs help

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