chapter forty nine

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Adylin's POV:

I went downstairs for one of the first times today, opening up the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. Grayson insisted on going out and buying me some chocolate and snacks, so he and everyone else went. Hunter and Blake were apparently already out at the park, so I was awaiting their arrival shortly. Almost on cue, the door burst open, muffled sobs heard from that direction.
I put the water on the counter and rushed to the door, frowning when I saw Hunter wiping his eyes desperately, crying in pain.
" Hunter... what happened? " I asked, stepping closer to him and engulfing him in a tight and comfortable hug.
I knew it most likely had something to do with Blake, but I didn't want to pressure him to tell me that.
" Blake... he kissed me and I- I enjoyed it " Hunter tried to explain between his sobs.
I took his hand and lead him to the sofa, sitting him down beside me.
" enjoyed it? " I questioned, earning a nod and a sigh from him.
" well he got close to me and told me he liked me... and I felt as if I wanted to do this, so he kissed me and I kissed back! I pulled away and said I couldn't do this, and he got angry and said that I obviously felt it too... I know I did but I don't know what to do " He cried, getting even more upset about it towards the end.
" Hunter- " I croaked out, cut off by him nodding.
" I think you like Blake " I said quietly, so quiet that it was barely above a whisper.
Hunter's eyebrows furrowed, obviously confused at what I'd said. He clearly spent a couple minutes to think about it, before his eyes softened and his muscles tensed.
" but... I've never liked a guy before " He sighed, struggling to explain how he's feeling.
I nodded, understanding and trying my best to help.
" neither had Blake, but I can tell you both really care and love one another... I'm not pressuring you to come out or anything like that, because you'll do that when you're ready... but do what you want to do, whatever makes you happy.. and I can guess that being with Blake might just be a source of happiness " I breathed out, meaning every word.
" Yeah, I know... but I've never felt like this about a guy before, and it's scary... it's all so sudden and I never expected this " He told me, as I nodded.
As soon as I finished giving Hunter some advice the door burst open, Blake barging in and storming into the same room as us. He looked as if he were also on hue Berger of tears, wanting to yell and punch a pillow to get his anger out. However, his flustered look soon faded when he saw Hunter, who also looked as if he were put at ease by seeing Blake. They looked at each other for a couple seconds, while I sat awkwardly, not wanting to third wheel or ruin their moment. The boys acted as if I weren't even there, jumping up and wrapping their arms around one another. I could hear Hunter crying into Blake's hoodie, while Blake rubbed his back comfortingly and held back his own tears.
" I do like you Blake... it's just new and really scary " Hunter whispered, his face now buried into the crook of Blake's neck.
" I know... but I'll wait for you, I'll be there by your side when you're ready " Blake smiled, looking as if he were getting even more emotional by the second.
Hunter nodded, pulling away only to embrace him in another hug.
" I want to be with you, I'm just not prepared to come out yet " Hunter explained, Blake placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
He understood, not wanting to pressure Hunter into coming out but also wanting to spend every second he could with his soon to be boyfriend.

A/N- Bunterrrrrr omg

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