chapter nineteen

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Adylin's POV:

I wiped my eyes, letting out a long sigh as I looked at myself in the mirror. I look like a complete mess. My eyes all puffy and red, blotchy skin, messy hair, etc.
I couldn't look any longer, and I sat back down on my bed and grabbed my phone. I'd had it on silent, and I saw a few more messages from Ethan pop up. I'm really not in the mood for this.

Ethan: Adylin

Ethan: answer me

Ethan: I know why Grayson did it

Ethan: It's important please answer

Ugh. I finally gave in, I texted him back and waited for him to tell me. After all I really want to know why he did it.

Adylin: fine. What?

Ethan: his ex pretty much blackmailed him, otherwise she'd ruin everything even more than she already has

Adylin: and I should trust you because?

Ethan: Because I'm not lying to you, I would never

Adylin: look, he messed up, even if that is true he shouldn't let her control him

Ethan: As soon as I left his room I could hear him crying, he never cries, Adylin. And if I can take a wild guess, I think you've been crying too. I know that you need him, and he needs you. Just think about it, okay?
Read ( 08:46pm )

I do need him. I need him more than anything. The past month or so I've spent talking to Grayson has been the best month of my life, and to know that we haven't even met yet shows how much more could happen if we gave it a try. He really does make me happy, and I have a gut feeling which is telling me to forgive and forget. But I can't, not that easily. Right now he made me feel like shit, and if Ethan is telling the truth, then I'm not sure what I'll do... All I know is that I already miss him, after a couple hours of knowing about this whole thing. Is it even possible to miss someone you've never even met? Apparently so.

I can't let him do this though, he made me feel so many different things at once and then threw it back in my face. I started off feeling like I wasn't good enough, and then he got my hopes up, before all of this happened. That's just messing with my head, and it's not fair. I definitely need a break, a break from him. And by him I mean Grayson. Who knows if we'll ever fix things? All I know is that right now, I need some time to think this whole thing through.

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