chapter thirty six

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The next week

I laughed, pointing at the screen with my finger and smacking Blake's shoulder.
" look at Grayson's face, oh my god! " I cried, tears rolling down my cheeks from watching the twins new video.
Blake was laughing too, mainly because of the state I was in. Once we'd finished watching their new video, we put on nerve and got under the blankets, finishing the bag of popcorn before the movie even had the chance to begin.
" are you excited for tomorrow? " Blake asked, as he finished off his coke and threw the can into the bin.
I grinned at the thought, clapping my hands together excitedly.
" I can't wait " I beamed, thinking of being in Grayson's arms again.
" if Loren and Ethan get all touchy in front of me I'll leave, that goes for you and Gray too " Blake chuckled.
Ethan and Loren are dating, and the fans know about them. They decided to just let them know as soon as possible, because they didn't want to hide it. Me and Grayson however, we haven't even made it official. We've been together a month, and that month has flown by. Mainly because we've spent every day facetiming and texting.
" are you excited to meet Hunter and Brandon, too? " Blake asked, and I nodded.
" yes!! Ethan, Grayson and Loren met them a couple days ago, and they're all flying here together " I answered, as he nodded.
We continued watching the movie, laughing together at the stupidest things. That's what I love about my bestfriend. How we can take something plain and make it hilarious for ourselves.

I heard my phone buzz, and I pulled it out of my pocket slowly, the light instantly shining in my eyes. I squeezed them shut, covering them slightly considering that it was pitch black in the room. Once I got used to the bright light again, I opened up my messages, reading each one from the group chat.

Group chat members:
•  Gray
• Ethan
• Loren
• Blake
• Brando
• Hunter

Loren: who's excited for tomorrow?

Ethan: meeeeee

Brando: I can't wait

Gray: me, I've never been to Texas and It feels like I haven't seen Lin in years

Blake: What about me?

Wait... Is he even awake?
I looked down beside me, noticing Blake covered in a blanket. I could see a tiny light glowing through it, so I snatched it off of him.
He yelled loudly, obviously quite scared and confused. I mean, I did yank a blanket from his head out of no where...
I laughed, before continuing to text on the group chat.

Gray: meh, I can live without 😂

Blake: rude

Hunter: I'm so excited to meet you guys

Ethan: hunter we met like 5 days ago calm down😂

Hunter: yeah but me and Brandon haven't met Blake and Adylin yet soooo

Gray: true

Loren: where's Adylin?

Blake: she's right next to me reading the texts, she just scared the shit out of me

Brando: how?😂

Me: I yanked a blanket off of his head because I thought he was asleep haha


Ethan: oh hey Adylin nice to talk to you too

Me: shut up E

Gray: I'm so excited to see you tomorrow Lin

Me: me too, I've missed you so much

Blake: okay please go into your private DM to have this conversation

Ethan: yeah, I agree Blake😂

Me: no but seriously, it's been a month now since Ive seen all of my favourite people😕

Hunter: tomorrow will change that thooooo



Gray: you weren't this excited to meet me...

Ethan: I don't blame her tbh haha

Gray: hey

Loren: hey

Blake: goodbye

Me: Te veo mañana, mejores amigos!!

Did I mention I can speak Spanish? ;)


A/N- filler chapter! Sorry it's boring haha x

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