chapter thirty five

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3 weeks later

I tugged on the lose strand of hair that had fell out of my bun, deciding to pull a few more out to give it a natural look. I smiled as I looked back down at my phone, not understanding a word of what he'd said.
" Were you even listening? " Hunter, one of my new friends, laughed.
" not really, no... I kinda zoned out, sorry " I chuckled.
He shook his head, laughing at my response before continuing to tell me the story of how he'd ran away from a snake in his backyard that morning.

Hunter and I have never met, but we've been friends for a few months now. We would've met him at playlist, but he couldn't make it.
" let me guess, you weren't listening again? " Hunter smirked, as I watched him over FaceTime.
I nodded, being 70% truthful since I understood the basics of his tragic story.
" I know that you were chased by a snake, and you tripped over a rock while running away " I laughed.
I heard his bedroom door open, a large smile appearing on my face when I saw Brandon.
" Brando!! " I waved at the camera, as he tackled Hunter to the ground and waved.
" Hey Adylin " Brandon smiled, messing up Hunter's hair which frustrated him.
He ignored it and continued to sing along to Drake, who he was listening to in the background. Just as I was about to join in, I received another call. A large smiled formed on my face when I saw the name pop up, and I instantly yelled for Hunter and Brandon.
" Guys, I've got to go! Gray's calling " I smiled, my thumb hovering over the accept button.
" okay, text me later biatch " Hunter yelled, and I chuckled while accepting Grayson's call, his face instantly appearing while the two brothers disappeared.

I took my time to take in his appearance, noticing his tired looking eyes and his ruffled up hair. He'd probably just woken up, that's if he had any sleep. And by the looks of it, he hadn't. However a large smile formed on his face as he saw me, making my heart melt.
" Gray, are you okay? " I asked him, noticing that he still looked tired.
" yeah, I just haven't slept a lot these past couple weeks " He shrugged, as if it were nothing.
I raised a brow, wanting him to explain.
" I just really miss you... I want to come visit as soon as I can " Grayson croaked out, his voice slightly cracking at the end, making me feel as if he were about to cry.
I wish I could just reach out and hug him, but I can't. He's in LA, I'm in Texas. That's how long distance relationships work.
" Gray, I miss you too, but please don't get upset about it " I said, my eyes brimming with tears at the thought of Grayson being sad because of us.
He nodded, understanding what I'd said. Gray paused for a while, his lips slightly parted as if he were thinking. Suddenly, his eyes opened widely, a large grin appearing on his face.
" Are you free next weekend? And I'm not taking no for an answer " He almost yelled, chuckling at the last part.
I smiled, happy now that he had cheered up a little.
" Then what was the point of asking? " I joked, as he laughed before continuing with what he was saying.
" ask your mom if she's okay to have a few guests over... and by a few I mean 5 " Grayson laughed, stopping and counting the amount of people.
I furrowed my eyebrows when he said five, not getting it. Although I was already ecstatic about the idea.
" why 5? " I laughed.
" me, Ethan, Loren, Hunter and Brandon " Grayson smirked, as I gasped in excitement.
" holy shit! Really??? " I yelled, my hand cupping my mouth in shock.
" yes! But if five is too much to ask some of us can stay in a hotel, I don't want your mom to feel forced to have us all there " He chuckled, but I shook my head immediately.
" no, it's fine! She wants to meet you all! I'll go ask now so I'll ring you back " I said quickly, making him laugh.
He knew that what he'd said had really changed my mood, and in a good way.
" okay, tell me what she says! I love you, Lin " Grayson said, blowing a kiss at the camera.
" I love you too, Gray!! " I smiled, returning the kiss and ending the call.

As soon as I'd hung up I found myself rushing down the stairs, almost face planting on the sofa beside my mom, who'd just finished work.
" shit! You scared me! " My mom laughed, before noticing the large grin on my face.
" what is it? " She asked, rubbing my knee with her free hand.
I took a large breath, explaining the whole thing while asking for permission quickly. Luckily, it took hardly any persuading, and her answer made me ten times more happy than I could ever imagine.

A/N- yayyyyyy

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