chapter twenty three

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It was like nobody else in the lobby was there, just him. All my attention on him, all of his on me. Before I could even stop myself from doing it, I dropped my bag taking a few steps closer to his end of the room. It was no use, I soon started running, running so fast until I stopped right in front of him. It was like nothing had happened between us, and all I wanted to do was be in his arms. I was scared to even hug him, what if he hates me for ignoring him? Before I could even say anything, his arms pulled me towards him, wrapping me in the most amazing hug I've ever felt. I took the time in his arms to take in his scent, it's not as creepy as it sounds I swear. The refreshing smell of mint came from his hoodie, as I buried my face into his chest. He soon pulled away, his hands still placed on my waist from the hug, but he didn't bear to move them. He was about to speak, but instead he was silent. He stared at me, his eyes darting from one place to another on my face. My eyes, my nose, my cheekbones, lips...
Everything. He stuttered, pulling me back into his arms since he was speechless. But so was I, I had no clue what to say to him. I hugged back, not wanting the moment to ever end.
" Lin " He managed to say, and I felt my heart melt just hearing him say my name for the first time.

He pulled away, his hand slightly caressing my cheek while the other removed a strand of hair from my face.
" I'm so sorry " he muttered, and I cut him off.
" I know... and it's okay " I sighed lightly, and his eyes lit up just at those words.
" really? " he asked, his frown now turning into a smile.
I chuckled at him lightly, his hands trailing down and landing on my waist. I shivered at his touch, wanting to stay like this forever.
I nodded, he pulled me into his arms again, hugging me for what felt like the fiftieth time, but I wasn't complaining.
" I'm so happy we've met " I managed to say, looking up into his eyes.
He nodded.
" me too " he whispered, lifting my chin up with his finger and freezing.
He looked down at my lips, before back up into my eyes and leaning in closer, it's happening...
" Grayson, bud- oh! " Ethan began, jumping and getting cut off when he saw me.
" Adylin " He smirked, and I blushed before stepping a little bit back from Grayson.
Ethan stepped towards me, pulling me in for a friendly hug and laughing.
" nice to meet you " He laughed, and I nodded.
" so you guys are good now? " Ethan said, and Grayson and I nodded.

I know what you're thinking, I changed my mind so quick... one minute I was ignoring him and the next I almost kiss him, but just seeing him standing there gave me the confidence, and I couldn't not forgive him. I'm freaking out inside, about the whole kiss thing.
Ethan smiled, looking back at Grayson who just blushed. He's so cute I honestly can't deal.
" Well, I'm going to go to the pool " Ethan said, flicking a towel over his shoulder.
" I'll come too, my friends are there and I want you guys to meet them " I smiled, and the twins both nodded.

This feels so weird... actually talking to them and being in their company feels like a dream to me. We made our way back outside, and I smiled when I saw Blake and Loren splashing each other with the water: Blake was facing my direction, so when he saw me and the twins his jaw instantly dropped. Loren turned around, obviously just as confused as him.
" Guys, this is Ethan... and this is Gray " I smiled, introducing them all.
They waved, bobbing up and down in the pool water.
" and this is Loren and Blake " I said, pointing towards them both.
Ethan smiled, looking at Loren with a smirk. He took his shirt off, jumping into the pool quickly and splashing Loren.
" what was that for?? " she shot, wiping her eyes.
Ethan laughed, splashing her again as she did it back. I'm pretty sure that was just a way for Ethan to get her attention, but I'm pretty sure he already had it. He just didn't know.
Grayson and I exchanged looks, raising our brows and laughing. I looked back towards Blake, who was standing beside us.
" I'm Blake " He said, holding his hand out to shake.
Grayson pulled him in for one of those bro hug things or whatever you call them, and they started chatting instantly. I'm glad they seemed to be getting along, I wouldn't want them disliking each other.

The rest of the day was spent by the pool, swimming and having the best time. I filmed a lot of stuff for Snapchat and it was honestly hilarious. Meeting Grayson for real now has honestly made me feel complete, and just seeing him makes me smile. I know that we went through a short rough patch, but I couldn't not forgive him. Especially now that I know Ethan was telling the truth when he told me what happened. This trip to California has had a great start, and I have a feeling that it's just going to get better and better.

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