chapter forty three

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I yawned, stretching out my legs and hitting Brandon in the face accidentally. He let out a quiet grunt, wriggling on the sofa before sitting up straight.
" morning " I chuckled, as he nudged Ethan and Loren to wake them up too.
I took the job of waking Grayson up, since it's always quite funny. This time he got up straight away though, smiling widely with a sudden burst of energy.
" Since when have you been a morning person? " Ethan laughed, pointing at Grayson while removing the blanket to stand up.
Grayson shrugged, clearly not understanding the reason behind his mood. I shook my head in amusement, turning to look at Loren who looked slightly confused. I followed to where her eyes were looking, landing on Blake... and Hunter. They were still cuddled up in the sheets together, Blake's face only inches away from Hunter's. I leaned down closer, looking at them before looking back up at Loren and shrugging. They looked quite cute, if I'm being honest.
" guys, wake up! " Ethan yelled at them a couple times, clearly just as confused as us.
Hunter jolted awake, opening his eyes for a second but closing them after, cuddling back into Blake as if he didn't even know he were doing it.
" guys " Ethan repeated, as Hunter opened his eyes fully.
It took him a while to realise that he'd been cuddling Blake, and as soon as he did he jolted away, reaching for a shirt to put on. He seemed embarrassed about it, like he didn't know why he'd been cuddling a boy happily.
Blake was awake the whole time too, looking down at the ground in confusion.
" so, what's for breakfast? " Blake said awkwardly, obviously attempting to change the subject.
I shrugged it off, knowing that if we were to ask them about it he'd probably feel quite uncomfortable.... and would most likely get annoyed.
" waffles? " I suggested, as everyone nodded silently at the idea.

The lunch table was silent, not a word said from either Blake nor Hunter. Everyone knew why there was such an awkward silence, though. It was because they didn't know why they'd been hugging each other and sleeping together, so they found it awkward.
Grayson had attempted to try and start conversation multiple times, but they struggled to cooperate which didn't exactly help. We all eventually gave up, choosing to eat the delicious waffles in pure silence. The only thing that was to be heard was people eating, breathing and the lyrics to Madison Beer's song dead in the background. Madison and I actually go way back, we used to be really close, and are still friends today. We just rarely see one another. It's an amazing song though.

A/N- I speak the truth my friends

Once I'd finished eating breakfast I grabbed my plate, standing up and going to wash it without saying a word. As I scrubbed the side of the plate I heard someone's footsteps enter the kitchen, and I didn't have to guess to know it were Grayson.
" what is going on in there? " He asked casually, pushing me aside gently to was the dishes himself.
I shrugged, leaning against the counter. Grayson dried his hands before placing them on my waist, lifting me up onto the counter and standing in between my legs. He stared at me, as if asking for permission to speak.
" if I could take a wild guess... " Gray begun, as I waited for him to carry on.
" They like eachother " He blurted out, making sure he was speaking quietly so nobody could hear.
The thought of Blake being gay or bi was different, but have I thought about it before? I'm not going to lie, yes I have. But I didn't ever think somebody else would see it too. I stayed silent, showing him that I wasn't completely disagreeing with the idea.
" I think they're just in the process of doubting themselves right now, or beginning to anyway " Grayson explained, and I nodded.
" maybe... but let's not assume anything, don't mention it to any one else " I told him, and he nodded with a smile.
" I promise " he chuckled, holding out his pinky finger.
I smirked, connecting mine with his and shaking it a little.
I swear we're five sometimes.


A/N - ooooo what

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