43: Revelations

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AN: I apologize for taking so long! But I have a special chapter for all of you! Make sure to read the end for another AN. Enjoy~


Soo Ji POV

I had a dream about Jessica last night. It was painful to experience; even though, it was something that happened in the fabric of my imagination.

I was in school again. I was walking in the hallways of the school and I stumbled on the same scene that happened on the first day here. I watched myself get hit by the metal baseball bat and I cringed every single time I watched the long metal hit my stomach. Because I couldn't take it anymore, I looked away, but the screams of agony and blood was still in the air. It made it unbearable, it made me choke. 

"Soo Ji." An eerie voice cried out silently. A swift shape of a person appeared in front of me and out of thin air, she appeared in front of me. Her, Jessica. 

"Jessica," I couldn't get her name out without the feeling of water overflowing my lungs and throat. 

"I died, Soo Ji." She laughs, her eyes empty and souless. She wore clothes that had red splatters on them, as if she had just gone paint balling, but she hadn't, I knew that for certain. 

I could feel the tiny hairs on my skin go up. I couldn't get this feeling away from me. 

"I died." She spoke. "I died. He killed me. I killed me. No one loved me." My eyes shook with urgency, looking everywhere, but the alleged corpse of Jessica. 

"I--I don't understand." She smiled, her lips and skin frail and thin, as if they were drawn on to copy the image of what she would look like. 

"It doesn't matter. Let me ask you a question, what do you smell in the air? Go ahead, try smelling." You followed her order and took one big sniff of the air. 

Foul odor infiltrated your nose and system. The smell of dried blood and decaying corpse was present. 

"Why do you think I look like this? I died. I died. I DIED!" Her voice increased, her voice echoing everywhere. I jumped in my spot. 

"You died? How. Jessica, answer me." She moved closer, but I stood still as possible. 

She touched a strand of my hair. "You have such pretty hair. Such pretty skin." She touched my cheek. 

"I turned out like this because of my bitterness. I turned like this because I was too concerned about how to be hated and feared by everyone than loved by everyone like you. Tell me, how's Seung Hyun? How's Key?" 

"They. Uh. They're okay. What are you doing here? It's impossible that you're dead. No way." She turned her back to me and walked to a door that I could've swore didn't exist there in the start. 

She giggled as she walked. 

"Don't look at me when I'm leaving, or else I might have to take you with me to Hell." She chuckled, her laugh distorted. 

I looked down. "You will soon find out. Make sure to tell my sister that she should run away from our father. He's a bad man. And oh, Soo Ji? Can you do me a favor? Follow the instructions on the package. I'm sorry I wasn't alive to tell you how incredibly sorry I am for all the things I did. I hope you can find me forgivable and move on with your life." She entered the door and the dream collapsed in itself when sunlight entered my peripheral vision. 

"Soo Ji, there's a package for you." Key opened the door and dropped off the package. I kept my eyes closed shut, hidden under the blankets and pillows that lay around me.

I jumped off the bed after he closed the door. I looked around and my eyes look over to a white medium-shaped box. 

My hands fumbled as I held the box. I sat on the corner of my bed and I looked at the box. And I just kept staring at it. I couldn't open it, all I could do was stare at it. My limbs started to shake. 

"Oh God, Jessica," My eyes watered, salty tears dripping down my cheek. I got the guts and I ripped the pale yellow tape away of the card board surface of the box. 

I move the flaps of the box and I see at least four white envelopes. Around the empty spaces that the envelopes didn't touch, there were little trinkets. My vision was blurry from tears, one tear drops on an envelope with my name written on it: To Soo Ji. 

"It's for me." I looked at the letter and I carefully opened the white lock of the envelope that held her last words to me. 


Dear Soo Ji, 

I don't know what to say or even how to start... Do you remember when we first met? I am so sorry for everything I have done; I can't explain it. I know I'm was spoiled and pathethic and a psycho. I don't think I could ever say how incredibly sorry I was  for trying to get you raped, for trying to hurt you, and for trying to drown you. I don't know what was wrong with me when I came up with the thought. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for all the things that I did. I know this doesn’t...can't be forgiven, but please try to find it in the goodness of your heart to forgive me. I have always been jealous of you--you had Seung Hyun, Key, your mom, your brother, you had everyone. I was so stupid to think that I could feel loved if I killed you or tried to kill you. By the time, you find this note, I will have already died. But don't worry about me. Instead, I want you to do me this one favor. Please, give these letters to the people in this letter. Give them to Seung Hyun, Key, and Krystal. 

Thank you for this, I won't forget it. I'm sorry. 



I never thought I would be crying for my bully. I wiped the tears away and I proceeded crying.

I heard a knock on the door. I looked up and Key opens the door.

"Soo Ji, ahjumma wanted--oh, honey. Why are you crying?" He opened his arms and embraced me.

I gave him the letter that was intended for him to read and he read it willingly in front of me.

When he finished, he looked at me.

"So this is why..." He looked at me and observed me. I couldn't bring myself to smile or laugh or anything in that category.

"Come here," he opened his arms and proceeded to hug me and comfort me. I embraced him with a runny nose and tears falling from my eyes which never seems to go away. 

"Shh, shh, it's okay don't cry." He stroked my hair as I rested my head on his collarbone. 

I feel terrible for all the things that happened to her. She may have tortured me for the past two years, but I didn't die...she did. 

I know what I have to do now. I have to fulfill her finally wish. I have to do this one last thing for her. 


AN: Hello~~ I really missed you guys, you have no idea. I wanted to thank you all for all the things that you give to me like the reads, the votes, my fans. I'm really thankful for all of them. Thanks for all the support and love, seriously because I've been on Hiatus for like a long time and you guys patiently wait and it really makes my day. BTW sorry that this was a little bit shorter than my usual updates. 

So how was it? Did you like the chapter? I decided to write this because well Jessica turned out good in the end and she deserves that at least. Do you think she deserved this dedicated chapter or not? I would like to hear your thoughts about the chapter, so please comment! I love you alllll~~

Thanks again for everything! 


-AsianBabe ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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