10: A Confession ~•°•~

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  • Dedicated to All my readers

A few weeks later~

Soo Ji POV

These past few weeks went by in a blink of an eye. I never imagined life to pass by so quickly, but I guess life sneaks up on you when you least expect it.

I walked into the halls of the school and went to my locker to get a few books for class. I opened the locker and notes come sprinkling out. I crouched down to pick them up and I opened the first one I laid my eyes on. I looked around to see everyone busy with at least something.

*Who could've put these notes in my locker?*

I opened the white, rectangular paper and began to read the note.

[Soo Ji,

Since the beginning of school, we have been watching you. And we noticed that you have taken a liking to Seung Hyun and his friends. If you don't stop and leave them alone, we will take you down, whether you like it or not. Who knows, maybe we'll have to hurt you to the point where you have no other choice, but to end that pathetic life of yours. So before it goes to that, take this as a warning and leave them alone. Or else we will come after you. If you don't follow what we say then more things will happen to you. If you understand what we said in this letter meet us before your first period in the girls bathroom. ]

I read the note over and over again. I was trying to process the words this note said. I read it again.

*What did I do, so bad, that made them think of even writing this note?*

I didn't bother to read the other notes, since it wouldn't do anything good if it had bad things to say. I threw the unread notes back into my locker. I crumpled the read note and put it into my pocket. I walked to the girls bathroom.

*I know, this is like walking into a trap, but I need to face my enemies. It's the only way.*


I walked inside to see three girls with too much makeup on their faces. It didn't even looked like makeup anymore, it was more like a child's painting or drawing. They looked like clowns. I held my chuckle in.

"Wow, look who decided to come." A girl with permed, fake looking red hair said.

She looked over to her posse of two.

*Or shall I say a fake looking posse of two with plenty of makeup on their faces? That has a nice ring to it.* I mentally high fived myself.

They curved their lips into what seemed like a smile. Then a girl with blonde hair decided to speak.

"Look since you came, we only have one thing to say to you and that is: you have to stop hanging out with them because..... Well, they belong to only US." She said arrogantly.

She resembles someone I know quite a lot. Who could it be? Oh right, Seung Hyun-- the very person they are trying to keep me away from. How funny.

"Fine." My mouth sold me out.

The girls' eyes gleamed with happiness when the word escaped my mouth.

"I'm glad you understand, but remember if you are seen with any of them you will pay." The girl with red hair said with a stare that could kill.

I nodded, not because I want to, but because I needed to.

"You can go now." The other girl said to me. I left the bathroom and walked to my class.

*School hasn't even started and look how interesting my day has already become! Yippee! -_-*


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