9: Rude Boob -_-'

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  • Dedicated to Big Bang

AN: Just before you read, I hope you guys enjoy. I was running out of ideas, but I hope you guys liked it. Well anyway thanks!

~Back to school from winter break~

Soo Ji POV:

"Ya!! Soo Ji-ah!!"

I turned around to see Ha Na running with her right hand waving at me.

"Wait for me!" She yelled loudly.

I walked slowly, so that she could catch up to me.

She finally caught up. Her breathing was unstable.

"Breathe, woman. Breathe." I said rubbing her back. She finally got her breathing in control.

"So did anything interesting happen over break?" She asked, starting a conversation.

I thought about the almost kiss with Seung Hyun, that day with Taeyang, and Jiyoung's hug. I contemplated about telling her, but I didn't know how to explain the whole thing, so I ended up not telling her anything and lying.

*I know... What kind of best friend am I?* I talked to myself in my head.

"Not really. How about you?" I asked her nonchalantly. I looked at her and I noticed that she started to grin.

"Well, I met a guy over break." She paused, blushing and giggling like an utter fool. I chuckled at her red face.

"Aww~! My baby is growing up so fast." I said faking a tear. She laughs.

"What's his name?"

"His name is Soohyun." She said giggling.

"Is he cute?"

"Of course! He's my boyfriend." She said making a cute face. She even did a happy dance.

*He must be her first boyfriend. She's so adorable. *sighs* People in love.*

"Aigoo~. Come on, we'll be late." I said, knocking her out of dreamland and into reality. She grabbed my hand and ran with me by her side.

We reached class just in time. We sat down in our usual seats and talked more about her love life, until Mr. Jung arrived to teach another boring lesson. When he began teaching, I just zoned out and thought about things.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The bell rang loudly.

"Okay, you guys can go now. Make sure to do page 354 for your homework. Have fun during lunch." He greeted warmly.

I gathered my things and looked over to my left to see Ha Na sleeping.

"Ya! Pabo, stop dreaming about Soohyun and wake up." I teased her while shaking her back and forth. She woke up with tired eyes.

"Soohyunnie~?" She said tiredly, rubbing her eyes.

"No, it's Soo Ji-ah. Come on, I'm hungry. Wake up." I said as nicely as I can.

"Arasso, eomma. I'll get up." She said acting like a five year old.

She stood up and took her things, so that we could eat lunch.

* * *

Seung Hyun POV

I munched on my food, quietly. I kept my gaze at an empty seat, thinking about things that I never thought would crossed my mind.

"Hyung! Why are you being so quiet? Are you thinking about something?" Seungri asked loudly.

"Because I'm eating." I said ignoring the other question.

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