31: His True Self / Arrival >~<

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His True Self/ Arrival

Taemin POV:

"Do you like my noona?" I boldly asked the older boy.

He quivered at the question as if he didn't expect it. Haha, silly boy.

"What are you talking about?" He furrowed his eyebrows up and down.

"You heard me. Do YOU like my noona? It's a simple question, so it shouldn't be hard to answer." I simply stated and asked, but he didn't seem to want to say his answer. Hmm, I wonder why.

"I don't know if I do." He answered after a few seconds had passed. I guess he was thinking of what to say.

"Hmmm, then why is noona being weird around you. Hmmmm." I talked to myself.

"Huh?" He must've heard me speaking to myself.

"It's nothing. You probably don't like her." I waved his thought away, hoping he didn't dwell in the topic too much or else I might have to worry about other things.

"Okay." He answered silently.


Jiyong POV

What is Taemin talking about? I pulled on my most confused look and started to think.

His noona? Diana?

What is this?

Does she like me? But Soo Ji. No. I shouldn't. I shook my head at the thought. It'll be fine.


Soo Ji POV

I felt his eyes on me as I tried to sit comfortably, but somehow, I couldn't find the right spot.

"Unnie, what's going on? Tell me! Jebal~~?" Diana begged.

"I told you that it was nothing. So calm down."

After I had said this, she rubbed her chin in thought.

"You must still like Key." She mumbled looking at the ground. I was stuck.

*She knew?*

I tried to forget Key because he wasn't coming anytime soon, but now that I think about it, my feelings haven't changed.

My heart still belonged to Key.

I still belonged to Key.

"Soo Ji unnie?" A voice interrupted me. I raised my eyebrows and turned my head around to see if anyone was calling for my attention.

"Ah, mianhe. I was thinking. What is it?" I smiled a bit to cover my face, but it came out as obvious as a bad lie that was told. I was not good at hiding my feelings. I dazed off again, thinking of the past.

"Unnie?" I looked up again to meet Diana's face.

"Are you okay? You seem upset somehow. Gwenchana?" She plastered on a worried expression.

"Hmmm, gwenchana." I grinned.

That's right, I should be fine.


Diana's POV

I'm worried about unnie. What if something is going on? I need to find out, but I don't know how.

"Diana, unnie is fine. You don't have to worry about me, arasseo?" She pulled on that fake smile again. But I couldn't afford to let her know that I knew, so I smiled instead.

"Arasseo, unnie." Unlike her, I was better at hiding my feelings.

"Don't worry too much or else you'll get wrinkles." She laughed lightheartedly; although, I don't know if it's a real one.

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