13: Like A Robot (Mini Chapter)

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Seung Hyun POV

I watched the new boy, Key, or whatever his name is, sit next to Soo Ji. I observed them, talking to each other.

I felt a rush of emotions, a set of different emotions, come at me at once.

Anger, but I don't know why. And there was this one weird emotion, that I've never felt before.

It was weird.

It makes my heart beat fast.

It makes my breathing unstable.

It makes my mind jumbled up with different thoughts about her.

It makes my cheeks and ears burn up and heat up.

I didn't know what was going on with me.

*Am I sick?* I touched my forehead with the back of my hand.

No, fever, so then what is it?

I looked at her talking to Key and it made me feel angry and again I don't know why.

"She's just a toy." I reminded myself.

"She's nothing important." I told myself and tried to focus on school.

My thoughts still filled with her, the image of her and him talking and being close, made me look over to her again.

I clumped on my chest and pressed on the position where my heart is, my heart beating faster the harder I push.

What is this?

I, quickly, looked away.

"School, school, school, school." I whispered, as I tried to focus again.


Jiyong POV

I really don't know what to do now. I agreed to part from her and to leave her alone, but my heart and head is telling me to approach her.

She clearly moved on, right?

I feel frustrated; I thought she liked me. Well not surely, but I know that she liked me as a friend.

* Oh, Jiyong.. You just had to like her, didn't you? *


Taeyang POV

What's going on with Soo Ji and Jiyong?

She's been trying to avoid everyone. I don't get it. I thought she likes being friends with us.

If so, what changed? I'm just so confused.

I looked over to my left to see Jiyong staring off into nowhere. He pressed his hand on the desk and crumpled it, making his open hand turn into a fist.

I touched him, on his arm, bringing him back, from where ever he was before, thinking so hard.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, quietly.

*Jiyong, I'm worried.*

"Uh, yeah." He whispered, nodding.

*That's not the truth.*

"What were you thinking about?"

*Please tell me.*

"Oh nothing. It's nothing really." He said as I raised my eyebrows when he said nothing was going on.

*Clearly, you have been hiding something from me.*

What is it, Jiyong?

I looked away and rubbed my chin, as I thought for a while. I'm going to confront Soo Ji and ask her, if no one's going to tell me anything.


Seung Hyun POV

The bell rang loudly, making me awake. I told myself I was going to focus, but instead I fell asleep and dreamt about.....

Can you guess it, readers?

Yes, that's right.


Why is she in my head?

I picked my things up and messily, tossed them inside my bag. I walked up and as I was going to walk out through the door, I see Key and his arm around Soo Ji. They walked out the door.

"Oppa, hajima!" She tried brushing his arm of her.

"Nope, come on. Oppa pegopa (Oppa is hungry)." He said with aegyo.

Then, everything started again.

I walked behind them, following them out the door.

"Soo Ji-ah!" I yelled, spontaneously.

*Oh my god.. Why did I do that?*

She turned around, to see who called her and when she realised it was me, she turned around and avoided me.

"What did just happen, right now?" I stood in the middle of the hallway, flabbergasted.

"Did she ignore me?"

★ ★ ★

AN: Short, mini update because I had no homework today! :D

I put this in because I want to explain Seung Hyun's up and coming feelings that he clearly doesn't know exists.

He's like a robot here..

Jiyong is trying to figure out what to do....

And Taeyang is worried... Hmm. I wonder what he will do c:

Anyway, did you guys like this mini chapter?




I love you (:


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