17: Naked/Part 1 x_x

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Soo Ji's POV:

"Soo Ji-ah, wake up. Let's do something today!" Key wakes me up from my slumber, having an excited smile.

"Wah~ But I don't wanna walk up yet." I mumbled making Key let out his cute chuckle.

"You're too cute." He laughs.

"Come and wake up. I'll make breakfast. Oh! And by the way, ahjumma and Joonie-ah went somewhere, so it's just us two." He said and went out through the door, closing it behind him.

"Okay." I said, alone; he left before I could let him know my answer.

I picked myself up and jumped out of bed.

"Shower, shower." I said and skipped to the bathroom with my necessites.


Key's POV

I began to cook the rice. I checked the fridge for some soup, kimchi, bean sprouts,steamed egg, and a roasted small fish, I remember Ahjumma said she cooked before leaving.

"Ah! There it is!" I smiled and heated up the roasted fish in the microwave.

I turned around to see Soo Ji, all dolled up and clean. She had a little bit of makeup on and her hair was braided into a neat side braid. She's wearing a colorful t-shirt and a high waisted skirt with a flowy bottom.

"You look nice." I smiled at her.

She twirled in a circle and curtsied.

"Why thank you, kind sir." She joked, acting like a princess.

I giggled and told her to seat down.

"Ooo~ this looks good. Did you make it?" She awed over the food I didn't cook.

"I didn't make it, but I prepared it. Does that count too?"

"Umm~ no." She plainly says, making me frown.

*Aww. Darn it. I should've told her I made it; even though, I can't cook anything to save my life.*

She continued.

"No, I'm just kidding. You prepared it, so it counts." She smiled her usual cheerful smile.

I don't know how she does it, but she has this power of making me smile and instantly feel better.

As she smiled, I caught myself staring at her beautiful, angelic face.

*Key, stop thinking about Soo Ji. She doesn't even remember you. Just go get the rice!*

"Go ahead, eat." I told her, as I placed down the freshly, scooped bowl of rice.

"Gomawo~ oppa." She giggles and picked up her chopsticks, taking some of the side dishes.

I found myself staring at her, again. I can't help it. She's too gorgeous.

Munch, munch.

Munch, munch.

Munch, munch.

"Oppa, why aren't you eating?" She looked up from her bowl and asked with rice inside her mouth. She had her cheeks puffed out like a goldfish.

She caught me staring at her! Umm.. Think of something, Ki Bum!!

"It's because you eat so heartily, that I get full just by watching you." I said, making her choke on some rice.

"Oppa, are you saying that I'm fat?" She furrows her eyebrows and puts on a puppy dog face.

"Am I really that fat?" She asked again.

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