Chapter 29

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"I can't promise all of you will live tonight. In fact I apologize for what we are all about to face. But don't think for one moment that you won't kill them because they are stronger. They are know longer the men you knew, they are heartless and won't hesitate to kill you. And you will do the same, just as I trained you." Gabriel says to the 50 men standing before him as Mark and I stand beside him.

"Do you know where they are?" Mark asks Gabriel who nods his head.

"They're waiting for us." He says and Mark clenches his jaw and nods his head.

"We'll have to run without shifting they'll attack whenever and being in the middle of changing back won't stop them. Shift only if it is necessary!" Gabriel yells again and we all start running.

The run was good for me, it fueled my anger and helped me imagine every way I could tear Desiderius apart.

All together we don't take that long to follow Gabriel to where they were all waiting. It's around 3 in the morning now, soon the sun will rise and we'll have an advantage over Desiderius.

We reach the place where Selene took me to find Ada, a dead field with one single decaying tree in the middle, the entire area reeks of death and remains completley silent until I see movement in the distance on both sides of the tree. I feel my fangs extend in anger when I see Desiderius exiting the tree and to my horror not only does he have Ada by his side but he is pushing my mother before him by holding the back of her neck, she whimpers but smiles when she sees me and I notice a few cuts on her face and it takes every ounce of my will power not to run over there and save her.

"Well this night certainly took an interesting turn didn't it Ada?" He says and looks over at her, she doesn't reply, her eyes look entirely black and she sways slowly back and forth, he has her completley under his control.

"I'll give you one last chance Gabriel. Join me and we can end every pack in existence just like we did when we were young. We'll slaughter anyone who gets in our away, everything will be just as it was. I promise." Desiderius extends his other hand and Gabriel takes a step forward and shakes his head.

"No. It won't." The wolves beside him start growling just as the eyes glow of the wolves beside Desiderius who shakes his head as well.

"I can't save you then." He sighs and looks at my mother for a moment. And what feels like a stab through my heart I watch him sink his teeth into her neck as she cries out and drains her to the point of death.

"No!!" I scream and without thinking I start running as do the wolves behind me and every hybrid before us. I watch him drop my mother and before I even make it six feet in front of him the wind is knocked out of me as one of his hybrids tackles me and we roll in the dirt before standing and facing each other. His name is Henry, we were trained together as young wolves.

"Feeling sentimental?" He laughs and charges at me and I don't hesitate to extend my claws and dig them deep into his stomach, he grunts and looks at me, I see fear in his eyes. I yell moving my hand up spilling his guts and blood onto me and soaking into the earth before I start running again. Ada stands motionless beside Desiderius who smiles as he watches the battle before him. To my frustration just when I think I am about to reach him, two hybrids stop me. I try my best to cut them up but they are too quick and one of them wraps their arm around my neck as the other grabs my feet tight.

"Let's spill his guts over his mother!!" The one holding my neck says and I struggle even more as they begin slowly pulling me apart. But I hear a loud groan behind me and my neck is released,  I don't hesitate to sink my claws into the chest of the one holding my feet and pull his heart out, I look behind me to see who saved me and find Gabriel with blood covered hands.

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