Chapter 10

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It's been the same thing every morning for God knows how long, a couple weeks, months? They come in early and inject her. Each time the injections affect her worse and worse,some days she wouldn't be able to walk and other days she'd cower in the corner and shake in pain. Despite all the injections she remained a vampire but she was slowly losing her abilities  she's lost her strength and even with my blood her wounds still heal slow. Her conversations have stopped with me and I can see her personality changing, less cold and blunt. It hasn't improved either, she's become shy and more timid. But for the past few days they haven't been injecting her at all, and she was actually improving, she wasn't getting her abilities back but the fierce personality of the vampire I first met was slowly coming back.

"Wait so let me get this straight. Your pack has had not one but two wars over some bloody girls?!" She exclaims sitting next to the bars that separate us while I sit against the wall on my cot.

I nod my head and she laughs clapping her hands together and leans her chin on her hand as she stares at me in disbelief.

"That's ridiculous. And this pack just went along with it? Blindly gave their lives for someone they didn't even know?" She says and I nod again.

"That's how a pack works. Whenever there's a problem..we never face it alone." I say and remember the last words Mark said to me before I foolishly stormed off and got myself into this mess.

"That must be nice...Desi always said I had to learn to overcome things on my own. It was the main reason he left me a hundred years ago. So I could be independent and protect myself, if he saw me like this...he'd be so dissapointed." She says and her smile slowly disappears.

"Why stay with him then? He sounds like an asshole." I say and she laughs again which brings a smile to my face, she actually looked kind of pretty when she smiled.

"I don't know. He has this hold on me. I'll do anything he says until the day he decides he's finally tired of me. I wonder if he's thinking about me now." She says and tugs a the black shirt she wore that was way too big for her body.

"What about you? Who's missing you right now?" She says trying to brighten the mood.

"Probably just my mother and my friends of course. I wasn't exactly happy when I left that day after I heard what happened..." I look over at her and her head is hung in shame.

"Are you really going to kill me?" She asks and I honestly don't know how to answer her.

"I've lived so long...I think I'm actually tired of immortality. I know he doesn't love me. He won't care if I die." She says and I can see how much that realization hurts her.

"I would love to be a wolf. I've seen the relationship between mates. It's beautiful." She smiles but I see her jump up in fear and her entire expression change as we hear the door open upstairs and she backs herself up into the corner of her cell closest to me. I stand and for some reason I felt the need to protect her and stand by her side.

"Alright darlin. You're coming out today." Jeremiah says. She's shaking now in the corner and I almost feel like comforting her. Almost.

Her cell door opens and all three brothers walk in without any weapons. 2 of them grab her by her upper arms and lift her up and slowly start dragging her out of her cell. Jeremiah smiles at me.

"You're gonna wanna watch this one boy." He says and winks at me and a sick feeling forms in my stomach.

They lift her up easily onto that cold slab of a table and restrain her arms and legs. She's not fighting back. She's keeping her eyes locked on me. She keeps a blank expression on her face. Jeremiah leaves her cell and claps his hands eagerly,he has a habit of doing that a lot.

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