Chapter 8

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Isaac's POV

"Can you help me?" Her accent sounds different now,more thicker, more sweeter as if she genuinely doesn't know what's going on.

"Where is Merriam? Where is my family?" Her eyes begin turning red with blood and a small drop streaks down her cheek. She goes to wipe it and gasps as she looks at her hand.

"What's happening to me??Please help me!" She cries. I have no idea what to do. Did my blood do this to her?

She groans again and holds her head. "Desi stop!" She screams. She keeps saying that name.

She's sobbing now and wraps her arms around herself protectively. "He raped me. He killed them..." she starts mumbling repeatedly.

"What?" I ask trying to look at her closer. Has she gone completely crazy?

She groans again and holds her head and starts grunting in pain. She stops after a minute and looks at the ceiling again and then back at me, that innocent look in her eyes fades and they flash a bright blue at me as her face turns into a scowl.

"What are you looking at wolf?" She snaps at me.

"A blood covered vampire. What the hell happened to you? You kept crying about your family and some guy named Desi." I snap at her and her eyes looked confused.

She wipes away the extra blood around her eyes and shakes her head,"It was your blood. Those were your memories not mine." She says but it doesn't sound like she believes herself.

"Then who is Desi?" I ask knowing very well I've never met someone named that.

"Only I call him that. His name is Desiderius." She snaps at me and there's a pained look in her eyes when she says his name.

"He's my maker. He saved my life and gave me this new one." She says closing her eyes like she's reliving it.

"Saved you from what? You said he raped you." With those words I earn a hiss from her and she flashes her fangs.

"He would never do that! He loves me!" She screams and her eyes get that far away look in them again,"I don't remember what he saved me was a long time ago. But he saved me and I owe him my life." She says and I roll my eyes. This guy is probably just some jerk using her and she's too dumb to see it.

"Whatever. You shouldn't drink from me anymore if you're just gonna freak out like that." I say and she shakes her head.

"I can handle it. They're not my memories it doesn't matter. Just...let me rest" she says and stumbles to her feet and slowly collapses on her cot.

I roll my eyes at her and go back to my own cot, the pain in my wrist is gone and my wound has already healed.  I lay my head down and start thinking about my mom, what she must be thinking. She must hate me, I wonder if Crystal is worried about me and Mark, I wonder what he must be doing to try and find me. I can't die here. I have to go back and apologize. My heart aches when I think about my mother having to bury Aaron and Kevin alone.

I fall asleep eventually but my thoughts still linger on all the wrong that I've done.

They made no sound at all when they came in, I only woke up to her screaming. I sit up and look over to see that she's fallen out of her cot and is now shaking on the ground, their shocking her again. The brothers come in again with that pole and another syringe. The pole is placed over her neck again and she flashes her fangs at them while she's still shaking, I can hear the sizzle of the silver as it touches her skin and I look away when they stab her with the needle. Jesus these men are barbaric. I look back and see that she's stopped shaking, she's stopped moving at all really. They move the pole away and calmly leave the cell and close the gate.

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