Chapter 6

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Ada's POV

I wake up to feel cold hard concrete beneath me. My head is pounding with different voices talking all at once. I hear screaming and a young girl crying, the old woman is giving me that warning again and then I hear Desi's voice. I gasp and sit up immediately to face a brick wall. To my right I see a small cot with a thick wool blanket that looks itchy to touch and no pillow. I smell the air and my nose brings me to the overpowering stench to my left. There are bars separating us, but there laying in the cot with the itchy blanket covering his lower body is that damn wolf. I look closely at him and notice 3 deep scars across his chest, god knows what wolf did that to him.

"Where the hell am I?" I say to myself and stand up. I hear the flick of a switch and the buzzing of fluorescent lights being turned on to light up the whole room. The whole room has walls of bricks and no windows which has me thinking we're in a basement. It's small and smells of different potent chemicals that burn my nose. But underneath all the disinfectant there's the small scent of blood in the air.

I see the man who has turned on the light was also the same one who shocked me in the net. I let my fangs extend and I hiss at him. His skin looks shiny with a slight layer of sweat on it. He smiles at me and scratches the stubble on his chin. His light brown hair almost looks blonde under the bright lights and he looks to be in his late forties as I notice the gray streaks in his beard.

I walk closer to the bars he keeps me in and stare deeply into his eyes, if he won't let me out of here then I'll make him.

He chuckles loudly and places a toothpick in his mouth, it doesn't affect him at all.

"No use tryin that on us darlin" he says and begins to rummage through some drawers.

I look at the room carefully and notice two tables meant to carry bodies with restraints on them. I look over at the desk he's looking through and find a silver tray with several syringes lined up on it.

"What are you?" I ask and he smiles not even looking at me.

"A Corvin darlin. Your abilities won't work on us." He says and looks up as he finally finds what he was looking for. It looks like another remote but smaller. He finally turns his head to me and smiles as he presses the button. I scream and fall to my knees as I feel that similar jolt of electricity flow from my neck to the rest of my body. I stand on my hands and knees until he stops and laughs at me.

"You gonna learn vamp whore. I won't tolerate you hissing at me." He warns and sets the remote down on the desk. He walks to the other side of the room where there's another tray with different medical instruments on it.

"If you're a Corvin then why didn't you kill us?" I say annoyed with his accent.

"He is not our priority. You are. But because of recent events, our wolf hunter numbers are smaller so he is our problem now. But me and my brothers are different...see we like vampires. They're immortality makes them wonderful test subjects, they can survive anything. Well almost anything." He says and eyes the syringes on the other table.

"What are you going to do to me then?" I ask not showing any fear.

"We gun cure you. And let that one use you as a chew toy and kill him" he laughs and I want to hiss at him again.

Both of our attention goes to the wolf finally waking up and rubbing his eyes.

"Good to see you up boy!" The southerner claps his hands together and smiles at him. All he receives is a low growl as a response.

"Best put on those clothes we left for ya there." He says and he does so while glaring at me intensely. I glare right back at him.

"Now don't you two look cute." The southerner says and shifts the toothpick in his mouth.

"Forgive my manners. I'm Jeremiah Corvin. And I'll be the one to kill you." He laughs and I hiss at him the same time the wolf growls at him.

He shakes his head and gets up to grab the remote.

"Bastard!" I yell out as he presses the button and I fall to my back this time and hold in my screams as the pain jolts through my body. When he's done I let my fangs pop out and see the wolf looking completely fine. Why the fuck am I being the only one shocked??

I try getting up only to be knocked down by the pain again. I arch my back and don't hold back my scream this time and start to shake with the jolts of pain. It stops again and I'm afraid to get up again. I cough feeling the burn in my throat, I need blood. I feel something warm trickle down my lip and I realize its my own blood coming from my nose.

I sit up and Jeremiah smiles as he takes in my appearance.

"Beautiful. That's exactly how I like to see ya." He says setting the remote down.

The wolf laughs as he looks at me too but I keep my head held high.

"What are you laughing at? He's going to kill you too." I spit into the wolf's cage and see that blood comes out mixed with my saliva, I must have bitten my tongue when I held back my screams.

The wolf growls and extends his canines at Jeremiah. Maybe if he shifts he'll be powerful enough to break us both out of here.

"No use in that boy. These bars are silver. You're not going anywhere" Jeremiah smiles which makes the wolf growl even louder. It's my turn to laugh at him

Only after I'm done laughing the collar around my neck sends me back on the ground squirming in pain.

"Jesus fuck!" I scream as I thrash around on the ground. The pain stops and my nose bleeds even more. The burn in my throat is unbearable.

"Please. I need to eat." I groan lifting my upper body up on my arms. I can't believe I'm begging to a human.

He smiles and looks between us and nods at the bars between us keeping as separated.

"Those bars are wide enough for you to put your arm through without hurting yourself boy. Feed her if you want." He smiles and I hang my head down letting my hair cover my face.

"I'd rather see the bitch starve" I hear his voice spit at me harshly.

I slowly lower myself completely onto the cold concrete which comforts my body. I feel defeated.

"Well that settles it then. We'll have to start your trials before you starve to death then." Jeremiah says and I don't answer him.

"You my boy have just earned yourself a steak" he says but I don't hear the wolf reply except to growl.

"Don't you start with me now boy. You learn from her." He warns and I scream throwing my head back as my body thrashes again as that fire spreads from my neck to the rest of body.

"Please" I choke out and he releases the button. I lay on my back and watch him leave the room. My body twitches every few seconds as the pain still lingers in my body.

"Desi. Desi please find me." I cry and feel a warm streak leave my eye, I shouldn't be crying. If I don't eat I'll only starve faster if I cry since my tears are my own blood.

"You're gonna die here." I hear the wolf say and I stare blankly at the ceiling knowing deep down he's right.

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