Chapter 4

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Ada's POV

God I love wolf's blood. With humans it's different. You taste their blood and thats it, it fills you up and you move on to the next one. But with wolves, once you get past the smell and feel that first drop of blood hit your tongue it's pure ecstasy.

I moan and roll around in the sheets of my bed feeling everything those two wolves have felt in their entire lives. All the power they held in their titles, I can feel their pain and their pleasure. I feel their ancestors and all their wars. My body burns all over, I haven't felt this good in years. I feel almost human again as I press my hands against my own body. The scratches and bites those wolves left on me are long gone, they put up a good fight but wolves are nothing compared to a vampire's strength.

I curl into a little ball enjoying the warm feeling in my stomach and I throw the blanket on top of me as I begin to feel the sunrise. My skin is getting cold again and my head is starting to hurt as the power of their blood is beginning to wear off. I close my eyes and begin to wander off in my own dream world.

The last of the wolves blood works wonders in helping me sleep throughout the whole day. For the first time in weeks I slept soundly, I would have slept all night if it wasn't for the burning feeling in my throat that woke me up. If there's a pack nearby, there ought to be more wolves in the woods. Hopefully the ones I killed were just rogues and had no one care about them. I could find another and get another good day's worth of sleep. I get dressed in black jeans and a black v-neck shirt, wearing the same choker from last night. I tuck my hair behind my ears and venture out into the night passing by the old woman who watched over the motel.

"You owe me rent from last night missy!" She raises her voice at me.

I stop for a moment and stare at her, I flash my eyes and she closes her mouth staring deeply at me. She's under my control now. I let her go and she smiles at me.

"Have a nice night!" She calls sweetly and I continue walking. When I make sure no one is around I run and in seconds I'm deep within the forest breathing in the pine trees with moss growing on them and the quiet hum of crickets hiding in the trees and bushes. I walk slowly feeling the mud on the ground slowly give in with every step I take and attach onto my boots. I continue walking smelling the air for that dog smell again, so far all I get is scents of small animals and hear a few deer runaway at my presence.

After walking a few more minutes I feel a small breeze blow my hair around and become overwhelmed with the same dog smell all over the area I'm in. I scrunch my nose in disgust, I get they're animals but some part of them might be human enough to wash up. I continue walking to find out where the smell is coming from when I feel his presence. His cologne hits me first and places a smile on my face.

"Let's do this." I whisper to myself and slowly take a few steps back waiting for him to appear. When he does he stops immediately and looks at me surprised. I smile at him and lean against a pine tree waiting for him to make the first move.

"What are you doing here? This is private land. Leave." He says and I can tell he's trying to catch my scent.

"No. I'm not going anywhere." I say and bite my lip as I take in his body. I'm surprised at how good he looks, his hair styled up in a messy quiff as his muscles press tightly against the dark blue shirt he wears. If it were daylight out my guess would be that he has a dark shade of brown hair. I hear his heartbeat quicken, I know he finds me just as attractive.

I step a little closer towards him in the moonlight and his expression changes completely and he looks furious.

"Your's so pale." He exclaims and I see his canines extending as he feels threatened.

"I can't hear you heart." He says and I smile at him and let my own fangs extend.

"What the fuck are you?!" He yells and I laugh at his curiosity. His breathing starts getting heavier and I can tell he's close to shifting, it gets me excited. I've been dying for a real fight. He's way more stronger than the wolves from last night, it'll be such a triumph to sink my teeth into his neck after I'm done playing with him.

"Ooh you're so scary" I whine as he comes closer to me. He growls loudly and I hiss back at him.

"You killed my friends. That's why you couldn't be tracked. You have no scent. You left no trace." He growls and I admire the fury in his voice, it reminds me of Desi when he gets angry.

"Say it. You know what I am then?" I challenge him.

"Vampire!" He screams and shifts ripping the clothes off his body and lunging at me. I effortlessly jump above him and towards the nearest tree and climb to the highest branch. He stays in the same spot not realizing what happened, I was too quick for him.

I whistle at him and his wolf turns around and snarls at me,"Come here puppy!" I call and he snaps his jaws at me and begins to run at the tree and tries jumping at the branch I'm on. I laugh and dangle my foot just to tease him.

"Come on!" I cheer him on and he growls even louder.

"I must admit you're doing better than your friends. It was a real art what I did to them. Seeing the life leave their eyes." I smile and look deep into his eyes, I can imagine how badly he wants my blood. But not as bad as how much I want his.

I stand up on the branch and stare down at him, I'm tired of playing with my food. I'm sure I've riled him up enough, I don't want him getting too angry and actually getting the upper hand.

"Time to die baby." I laugh.

I prepare myself to launch onto his back when out of nowhere I hear a loud bang go off behind me in the distance. I squint my eyes to look at what went off when it greets me painfully. I scream as a large black net leaps at me in the dark and wraps around me. I lose my balance and fall right on my back as the net constricts around me tighter. My hands claw at it but there's no use. No matter how much I roll around and spread my arms I can't find the opening. I begin to panic when I hear that wolf's growl close to my face. That dumb dog doesn't even know what I could do to him if I wasn't in this.

"Great warriors my ass. Your fucking pack has to use a net to catch their prey. How pathetic." I spit at him wanting to make my last words hurtful.

However it affects him differently than I thought. He looks at the net up and down and shifts back to his human form and stands looking at the direction where the net was shot from.

"That's not my pack." He says and seconds later I watch as 5 tranquilizers are shot into his chest, he lets out a small grunt before falling to his knees.

My eyes widen as the wolf goes down without another word.

"What the fuck!?" I scream and start struggling in the net even more.

"Calm down there ya vamp whore" I hear a southern accent say and three men appear. The one that talks holds his hands up but I see a remote in his right hand. The two behind him are carrying the guns I assumed they used to shoot the wolf.

I flash my fangs and hiss at him as he comes closer.

"You have no fucking idea who you're dealing with!" I warn him and he shakes his head at me.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Sweetheart I'm dealing with experiment 17 and our very first successful wolf hunt honey" he says and his friends laugh.

"Experiment what??" I yell and he shakes the remote in my face.

"This might hurt a bit" he says and presses a red button on it. I scream and jerk around as the net electrocutes me intensely, I feel like my body is on fire while a million bees sting every inch of my skin. He stops but the jolts still run through my body making me twitch.

"You're a strong one aintcha?" He says and presses the button again.

A/N: please don't forget to vote :)

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