Chapter 25

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"Ada what's wrong?" Isaac walks over to me as I walk out of the prison but I ignore him and keep walking,disgusting wolf.

"Your thoughts aren't safe girl no matter how hard you suppress them." Io says and I stop walking and turn to look at her.

"You know nothing. You are nothing but a common fucking witch and I'm going to enjoy killing you." I warn her and her daughter looks terrified.

"Ada!" Isaac yells at me hearing every word I said.

"Leave me alone." I start walking faster than him and he starts going the same pace which only bothers me anymore.

"Stop and let me talk to you." He says and I growl and turn around, I see the witch smiling smugly behind me and I immediately start sprinting to get away from everyone there before I start ripping their throats out.

When I feel I'm far enough I fall to my knees and let out a loud sob and actually feel my dead heart aching, I felt so confused. I thought I could always trust Desiderius, but after spending less than a day with Isaac I'm beginning to doubt him and everytime I think about confessing and telling Isaac everything my head begins to hurt so bad that I want to kill myself.

Did I have a family? I can't remember my last name now, or where I came from. Everything, all my thoughts and memories are so jumbled up. I close my eyes and groan in pain as that piercing pain stabs through my head again. I jump at the feeling of arms being wrapped around my tightly, too tight with a warm body pressed against my back.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I scream at the top of my lungs but my headaches have drained my strength and I can't even struggle enough to get away.

"You need help Ada. Something's wrong with you." Isaac says against my ear but I only struggle harder.

"Io!" Isaac yells and I scream with frustration trying even harder to break free from his hold. I growl furiously as Io stands in front of me looking slightly curious at how wild I'm acting. Black smoke appears out of nowhere from her palms and twirls around each of her fingers. I try to move my head away but she raises her hand and I feel the smoke make its way from my nose and into my lungs calming me down and leaving me to slump against Isaac in a sort of drug-induced state. I feel Io press her hand against my forehead and I start crying as that pain comes again with a jumble of voices coming from different people screaming in my head.

"I can't get a single thought out of her. Her entire memory has been tampered with." Io says and I lean my head back against Isaac and try to stay awake.

"Can you help her? Did he do this?" Isaac says and he loosens his hold and now cradles me against him.

"I will do my best. But this particular magic is something only Desiderius knows all too well. She'll need to be restrained until I am done or else she will hurt herself and others." Io says and I groan at the idea of being tied down.

"No. Isaac please..don't." I cry and he leans his forehead against mine and I feel him stand while also carrying me only when he starts walking do I lose consciousness. 

Isaac's POV

I feel Ada go limp in my arms and I'm grateful she won't be awake to struggle against what must be done. I was happy to have her back and when we made love everything seemed normal until Desiderius was brought up. She was acting just as cold as the first day I met her and I knew there was some part of her missing, the part that knew we were mates, the part that loved me.

We reach the pack hospital and Io reminds me again that Ada needs to be tied down for her own safety and I listen to her.

"These are unusual circumstances but I believe these should work fine." The doctor says leading me into a darkened room and I notice metal restraints attached to the bed.

"They're not silver are they?" I ask the doctor shakes his head.

"They are of the highest grade of metal I assure you not even the Alpha can break through them." He says and I nod my head and lay Ada gently on the bed. Io stands on the other side of the bed and roughly grabs her wrist to cuff it to the bed when I growl loud enough to make her stop.

"I'll do it." I say through gritted teeth and she lifts her hands in the air and walks away to sit in a chair in the farthest corner of the room. Once I make sure all her restraints are on right I pull a chair close to her bed and hold her hand in mine.

"Is she okay?" Crystal's voice surprises me and I look over to see her standing in the doorway of the room,she looks over at Io and then back at me.

"She's different. Io says she needs to help her's all jumbled up." I say my heart aching at the confusion she must have been going through.

"How is Rebecca?" I ask remembering I had received the message earlier that she had gone into labor and Mark left to be with Crystal who wanted to be at her side.

"A healthy baby boy. Jeremy is very proud." Crystal says and I smile for first time in awhile but when I look over at Ada my smile disappears when I remember what she said. She doesn't want to be a mother. I'll never have children not with her like this.

"Isaac. She'll be fine, she'll get better." She says softly and I look back at her and smile feeling a little better at her words but my head snaps back at Ada when she squeezes my hand.

"Gabriel stop him." She opens her eyes and gasps. Io stands immediately and runs to her side once she notices she's been chained she begins to pull against them.

"What's happened?? Where am I?? It's not supposed to be like this!" She screams and I see blood beginning to form in her eyes.

"Go I need to be alone with her." Io says and I hesitate before walking away.

"Isaac!" Ada screams and I look back but feel Crystal's hand on my shoulder slowly guiding me out of the room and shutting the door silencing Ada's screams.

"It's okay." Crystal brings me into an embrace but I don't hug her back,I'm too drained emotionally and physically.

"Isaac." I hear Mark's voice and Crystal lets me go.

"Take the day off. Go home and get some proper rest." He says and I don't feel the need to argue except that I'm going to make one last stop before heading home, the pack prison.

Sorry this chapter is so short but please please please don't forget to VOTE thank you :)

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