Chapter 1

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I don't know what time it is. I don't know where I am. I don't even know what I am. There's a strange feeling that has come over me. I can't feel my own heart beat. I don't recognize my own hands. I feel cold and lost. These sheets are soft and silky against my bare skin but they don't distract me from the pain between my legs or the aching in my wrist.

I lift my right hand up and feel the heavy pull back of the cuff and chain attached to it. The room is dimly lit by the only candle there is at my side. I look at the wall in front of me and barely make out the details of it, there are no windows. It's a wall of dirt with crevices dug into it to hold different artifacts of clothing and jewels and cups. I smell the air and smell his stale sweat with a mixture of both our blood. But smelling his sent a shiver down my spine. What the hell is this man?

I hear the sound of a door opening and I can sense his presence in the room, he's the same as me. No heartbeat. No breathing. He moves like an angel as he slowly smiles at me. The feeling of his eyes on me makes my skin crawl and I slowly sit up to glare at him letting the sheets fall off my chest and I expose myself to him shamelessly. My fury begins to grow inside me and all I crave is his blood to splatter all over the room. I'd give anything for his blood, the warmth. I want him to feel my pain and loss.

Memories begin to flash in my head and I keep my eyes shut as the worst headache I've ever known comes to me. Almost as if someone is reaching into my mind and ripping the memories from me.

"Stop it what are you doing?!" I groan and place both my hands on my head as the pain grows stronger.

He lifts up his fingers in a stirring motion and the pain slowly decreases and I have to look around the room again, I've forgotten what's happened. What's my name? What is this place?

I look at the man in front of me, he keeps his eyes locked into mine curiously and waits for a reaction from me. I notice the way his tongue slowly dives out to lick those plump lips of his, I moan quietly thinking about how they would feel against mine. His dark brown hair reaches past the tops of his shoulders with little curls at the end, it's messy and uncombed but the look only makes him more attractive. I look back into his eyes and they flash a bright blue color for a moment before turning back into the dark brown.

He takes long strides to the side of my bed very slowly making me take in every inch of the God in front of me, the candle at my side makes his eyes a lighter color and I almost feel relieved at his presence. I lift my hand up to touch him when that familiar heavy weight stops me, the chains. My memories start rushing back and tears of frustration fill my eyes. I feel a tear stream down my cheek and I look down at where it landed on his white sheets, a red dot appears. Blood.

"You." I stare at him wishing he was dead. "You killed me. You killed my family! You've ruined my life! You raped me!" I scream at the top of my lungs and raise my hand to hit him when grabs it and places his hand on my neck and forces me to look into his eyes.

I groan loudly as the pain comes back into my head and I hear him hum quietly.

"Poor Ada. This is going to take longer than I thought." His deep voice says and the pain increases in my head making me scream.

The year is 1692. My name is Ada Warren. I had just turned 18 and lived in Massachusetts. I started off my day normally and went into town with my sister and even though she was younger than me I was always called by my nickname, Baby Ada. Since for awhile I was an only child until my sister and brother were born. Only my family called me that but so did some of the villagers whenever they came over to our home.

"Mother says that father will catch a duck today." she says excitedly and I pat her back and grab her hand in mine.

"If he does you'll be lucky to get its foot to suck after I get to it" I tease her and she laughs and starts running ahead of me in the dirt path. I shake my head and keep my normal pace until I notice the sky slowly darkening above me, I look up and the see the once white clouds slowly swirl into a mixture of gray and I hear the low rumble of thunder nearby, we better hurry before it rains.

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