Chapter 7

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Somehow sleep managed to creep its way to my body and what felt like hours I felt released from the pain of the collar. There was no cage. No wolf. No burn in my throat. Just an endless black sea that I floated gently on.

The hours were a lie, I was rudely awoken by that dog's growl as a plate was dropped into his cell showing a pathetic thin steak. He must have been gone for only a few minutes.

I wipe the blood away from my nose and eyes and sit up to meet Jeremiah's smile. He's not alone this time. His two brothers are with him. One of them holds a syringe in his hand while the other carries a long pole, at the end of it is a silver "C" shaped piece of metal probably meant to wrap around someones neck. I slowly back away to the nearest wall and look over at the wolf, looks like he'll find out another weakness about me.

"Just like we practiced guys, she's just another vamp." Jeremiah says and they nod their heads. They're going to open up my cage, I know they are. They begin to talk amongst each other and I start feeling my collar to find anyway to open it, I'm dissapointed to find that they only way I'll free myself is with a key. I can't run if he's able to shock me. And I can't kill him without the brothers getting in my way and slowing me down, it would give him just enough time to shock me. There's no way out of this.

Jeremiah grabs the remote in his hand while his other hand lays next to a switch on a wall far from our cells.

"Ready?" He says outloud and they nod their heads. I growl lowly at them and hear the loud buzz of my cell opening. But at the same time I scream as the collar gives off its usual torture and I collapse again on the ground as the brothers rush in. The one holding the pole presses it against my skin above the collar and I scream even louder with both the pain coming from the silver and the shock of the collar. I don't even feel the prick of the needle being stabbed into my arm. He lifts the pole up and they both run out and the shock on my collar stops as I hear the cell being closed again, I could easily run now as it slowly closes but I feel a sickness come over me.

All three come close to my cell and observe me intently as I gasp for air I don't even need. I squeeze my eyes tight and claw at my own throat, it feels like I'm swallowing a thousand blades, I want to scream but the pain stops me. I groan and start thrashing around kicking the wall as hard as I can. I feel like a fish out of water. I crave death now more than blood to sooth my thirst.

Suddenly the pain dies down and the feeling of the blades disappears. I cough a couple times and lift myself on my shoulders and growl lowly as I glare at them.

"Still dead Jeremiah." One of the brothers says and they all sigh.

"We almost got her breathing. That's the closest we've ever gotten. Most of them died after the first injection. It'll work with her I just know it." Jeremiah says sounding determined.

"We'll have to try again tomorrow. It's almost night they'll be at their most powerful state." The other brother says and Jeremiah nods his head. He looks at me with a different look in his eyes than before, there's less hate in them. He eyes my body and leaves upstairs with the rest of his brothers.

I hear a door close and I relax knowing they're truly gone, but I'm still left alone with this wolf. I lift my upper body up even more but my arms feel shaky, and just as I lift up my legs and stand up a wave of nausea hits me and it takes everything in me not to throw up. I stumble a bit before finally reaching my cot and I sit down hard on it. I adjust myself to lean my back against the wall while sitting and facing the wolf's cell. He growls when his eyes meet mine.

"You're still angry about your friends? Honestly that felt like years ago." I say with such disdain and try moving the painful collar on my neck. I feel my wound against the silver as well and hiss in pain.

"You deserve that. They were my brothers you bitch." He snaps at me and I roll my eyes.

Without blood my healing process is slowed down, it'll take hours for this scar to heal or just a few seconds if that wolf just let me drink from him for a moment.

"You should thank me really. Having a family makes you weak. You don't need them." I say but I don't really believe my own words. Did I have a family once?

He growls again and walks closer to the bars separating us, his growling stops when he takes a better look at my appearance. I smile at him despite the pain I'm in.

"Although it must hurt thinking you can't avenge them. I'll be dead within a week from starvation or even less with what they're injecting me. Unless of course you want to..." My eyes go to his wrist and I can almost hear the blood coursing through them.

"Forget about it. My pack will find me sooner than that and free us both and we'll all take turns ripping you apart." He threatens me and I shrug my shoulders.

"And if they don't? How will they find you? Your scent. These hillbillies look dumb but they know how to cover a scent of a wolf." I say and I can tell my words are getting to him.

"We can help each other." I say and he scowls at me. I need him. If I ever want to see Desiderius again I need his strength and fury in my weakened state.

"I'm sorry for killing your brothers. I know you want my blood for theirs. Please. Just help me. Would you rather watch me die here? Or would you rather take my life with your own hands?" I ask and he looks very carefully at me.

"You want to help me kill you?" He asks and I nod my head.

"When we get out of here we'll finish what we started in the woods. A fair fight I promise." I say giving him the real truth.

"What will help you then?" He says and I eye his wrist again and he growls.

"Just a for a minute I swear." I almost feel like tearing up at the thought of being able to eat.

He hesitantly squats at the bars between us and carefully puts his arm between the silver bars. I stand carefully feeling my legs shake and walk to kneel down before his arm. I look closely at the vein and squint my eyes trying to hold back, I can't bleed him dry. I need him. I extend my own hand through the bars and he looks at me confused.

"If I drink too much. Put my hand on the bars and I'll stop." I say and he nods his head.

I notice him slightly flinch when I let my fangs pop out, I'll have to be gentle I don't want him getting too mad at me.

With my other hand I grab his arm gently, its warm and muscular but I ignore that feeling and slowly bring my mouth to his wrist. I pierce the skin quickly and moan quietly as his blood cools down the burn in my throat in seconds. The power in his blood begins to surge through my body and I growl lowly, I need more. I need all of it.

"Enough!" He yells and slams my hand against the silver bars. I hiss in pain and let go of his arm immediately as he lets go of mine.

Somethings wrong. His blood isn't sitting with me right like the others did. My head starts swimming as all these memories jumble about in my head, I'm forgetting who I am again.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks as he holds his wrist. I can't respond. I groan and hold my head in my hands and lower myself to my knees. I don't feel good. I feel warm, too warm. I hear him growl at me and I glare at him.

"You're starting to smell..." there's a hint of lust in his voice.

"Go fuck your-" I can't even finish my own sentence without screaming at the enormous pain in my head. These memories coming back, they're mine. I was that girl. I had a family. No. Desi said I had none these memories are lies.

"Hey calm down!" He yells as I begin to shake in the ground, my wounds are healing, even the ones I didn't know about, something in my head being reconnected but I can't believe it. I stare at the ceiling blankly. Where am I? Where's Merriam? I get up and see this handsome man already staring back at me.

"Can you help me?"

A/N: please don't forget to vote :)

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