If He Just Wants To Hook Up And Doesn't Want To Date You

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  One of the most common questions we get from you guys is this: "How can I tell if he wants a relationship or just wants to hook up?" Girls, I feel your pain. When you start talking to a guy you like, it can be difficult to figure out what his intentions are in the beginning – and asking can be too terrifying to even contemplate. There are subtle signs some guys will give off, but when you have a crush, it's to become oblivious to those things.

One Guy Says He'll Be More Touchy-Feely

HomelessPandas: The two aren't mutually exclusive, and every situation differs somewhat. But as a general rule with girls I purely want to hook up with, I just flirt hard, subtle hip touches, lots of eye contact, I will stand really close to her etc. With a girl I'm interested in on a deeper, relationship level, I always try to have a real conversation with her and try to get to know her a lot more than if I just want to hook up with her.

One Guy Says He'll Try To Have Sex Right Away

LithelmRaspberry: If I'm just trying to hook up then I'll try to initiate sex upon first meeting you. If I just want to be with you then I'll try to take you on a date. But, that's just me.

One Guy Says He Won't Talk or See You Too Often

Gray_Squirrel: Initially, it's the same no matter what. I don't treat women any differently starting out. However, if I decide I don't want a long term relationship with her, but I like hooking up with her, then I would usually do 3 main things: 1. I make sure I don't see her more than once a week (twice a week every once in a while). 3. I make sure I don't always text/talk to her daily, or have long text conversations about nothing. I usually reserve texts for making plans to meet up and for talking dirty to her. 3. I make sure we don't do any "coupley" things together and I don't involve my or her friends when we hang out. When we meet, it's usually just to bang. Sometimes we go to a bar or something first. By doing the 3 things above, it sends a pretty clear signal that I'm not looking to take things further. It's then up to her to decide if that's what she wants or not.

Another Guy Says He Won't Try To Get To Know You

theCHAMPdotcom: I won't express interest in her usually...I'll ask to hang out...but won't ask much more than that. Because frankly I don't care. Lol

This Guy Says He Can't Know Until After He Hooks Up With A Girl

HalfysReddit: The hook up comes first. It's not until after we've been hooking up for a while that I would even know whether or not I'd be interested in a relationship with her.

Another Guy Agrees That You Need To Hook Up First

p00pp00pp00p: Personally at the start of knowing each other there's no difference. Assuming I'm sexually attracted to them then until I know them better I have no idea whether I'd like to have a relationship or not. How could I? She might be sexy as hell but just not my personality type, or batsh*t insane, or 101 other things that might mean she and I are not compatible. Your premise is wrong. It's not "hookup OR relationship" so looking for signs is pure nonsense. Hookups (like spending time together and conversation) are a way of getting to know someone. The more you know someone the more you know whether you want a relationship with them. Until you do these things you cannot be sure you are compatible and therefore want a relationship with them or not.

This Guy Says To Avoid Jerks, Don't Hook Up Right Away

exit_sandman: How to avoid the cads? Don't be DTF on the first date in general. It's not that if all guys who would be interested in dating you will automatically be put off by this if it happens to them (though some will be), it's that these guys who manage to get into your pants on the first date and are also so pushy to get here probably aren't interested in anything beyond that. That's what the "you have to wait"-mantra is about: not necessarily because being "easy" kills your chances, but because not being easy weeds out the guys who are just interested in sex. However, you shouldn't overdo it, because you may alienate an otherwise great guy who thinks you just string him along; and (question #5 above) if you have been DTF before but suddenly changed your approach, he may felt as if he was taken for a fool. That said, if you get together with a guy who is not just in it for the sex, but nevertheless doesn't want any more from you than that, he just thought you didn't click.

One Guy Says A Girl He Doesn't Want To Date Will Never Meet His Parents

luker_man: Girls I just want to hook up with will never meet my family. Girls I'm dating will have to deal with extremely judgmental eyes from several traditional ass Haitians.

Another Guy Says He'll Hook Up Right Away

RaylanGivens29: A girl I want to date, or have a relationship in I don't mess around with them on the first date or usually the second date. A girl I want to just hookup with I have no such problem and usually get down to business as soon as possible.

One Dude Says There's No Such Thing As Signs

niggelprease: Stop looking for "signs". We don't communicate using "signs".

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