Signs to Show He's into You

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Claiming space

Ever since the first humans started roaming the planet, men have always tried to claim as much space as possible, especially when there's an attractive woman around. The behavior is based in ancient history: "See! I'm big! I can kill stuff and protect you." Okay, that may be a little overdone, but that's basically what happened.

Even today you can still see guys doing this. They'll often splay their legs or drape their arms around objects, such as chairs. This makes them look bigger and it shows you that he wants your attention!

Now, make sure he's not claiming space to try and flirt with another woman, you can observe if he also claims space whenever another woman is around. This principle is called baselining and it verifies that you're not accidentally picking up signals meant for other women.

Crotch display

Whenever you see a man displaying or highlighting his groin area, he is subconsciously showing his fertility! There are several ways a man can do this.

The first and most obvious is done when sitting down. This posture is called the cowboy cross and his legs will make the sign of a 4. Another crotch display is called highlighting. Michael Jackson was famous for this. Of course you won't see men touching their crotch in a normal setting, but there are more subtle ways of doing this–adjusting belt buckles, keeping hands on the lap and adjusting jeans.A man may frame his groin area by hooking his thumbs through his belt with his hands pointing down. This is a display of dominance and interest. This may definitely be a sign that he's into you.Proximity

How close he is standing to you can tell you a great deal about how interested he is. The normal distance at which people stand when they're talking to each other is about 18 inches to 4 ft. In intimate relationships, people allow you to get closer to them (within 18 inches). This zone is called the intimate zone since it allows for intimate touches.

If you notice that he's standing close to you and that the distance has gradually gotten less, then this gives you a clue that he's interested in you. People only close that gap to start an intimate relationship.

Similarly, you can be the one to take the first step and close the gap yourself. Pay close attention to his response when you make your move. If he backs away when you step towards him, this means that he's not ready to let you get that close (yet). If he doesn't take a step back, then you can interpret this as a "go" sign to make the relationship more intimate and possibly go for the kiss.

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