Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Song of the chapter is "Why" by Rascal Flatts. An oldie but a goodie

Gif of Connor just because I'm in love with him

Gif of Connor just because I'm in love with him

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Kiara POV

Panic. That was all my mind could process as I shook Connor's shoulder lightly. 

"Connor?" A sob rose in my throat as I shook him harder, jostling his lifeless body. "Connor!" 

I prayed with everything I had inside me that he'd open his eyes, that they would flutter or something before they'd be staring into my own again, green against grey. But he just laid there, his mouth even relaxing from the slight grimace he was trying so hard to hide. 

"No," I choked out. "No! Connor, wake up, you have to stay awake!" I pounded on his chest. "Please!" Everything flashed in my mind, all my dreams of having him in the pack house with me. Running around and chasing him during training. Eating chocolate cake in the café. Even eventually becoming Luna. Every plan I had taken for granted was now precious, barely alive in the battered body of my mate, the one who was made for me. 

My whole body was numb as I felt hands shove me to the side, blocking my view of my mate. My possessive side was coming out full force, my wolf wanting to take over as I was growing more fearful for Connor's well being. My hands were shaking by my sides as I watched the medic place an oxygen mask over Connor's nose and mouth. 

"Connor," I called weakly, needing him to be okay. He promised he'd fight, and he needed to know that I was with him. Fighting alongside him. I stumbled back over to the stretcher, despite the grumbles of the medic beside me. I grasped Connor's hand in my own, interlacing my fingers with his dangling ones and squeezing tight. He needed to know I was here. I'd always be here. 

I'll always be in love with you, his raspy voice echoed in my mind, full of pain and finality. I blinked away the tears welling up in my eyes and shook my head slightly. He would tell me he loved me again. I had to believe that. 

I glanced up at the medic just in time to see him looking at Connor's hand in mine, sympathy gracing his features. He looked away as soon as he noticed my gaze, and I fought the urge to snap at him; Connor would be fine, there was no need for pity! 

Once we had reached the hospital and Connor was wheeled in, his hand wretched from my grasp, doctors rushed out to meet us. I followed them helplessly as we rounded corner after corner in the sterile building before we stopped at an operation room. 

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