Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Song of the chapter is "Lonely Boy" by The Black Keys. 

Sorry it took so long to update!

Kiara POV

I tuck an annoying strand of hair behind my ear which has (for the twelve-millionth time) been blowing into my face for as long as I've been outside. The December air has finally gotten cooler, creating more and more wind as the days go on. 

"Are you cold?" 

I smile up at Connor, shaking my head no. We're waiting outside by the school for Chase to pick us up, even though I've begged my dad that I don't need a bodyguard. He still won't let up. "I can't believe it's already December," I say to Connor, lacing my fingers with his. 

His mouth pulls into a frown for a slight second, but he shakes his head and looks at me with a bright smile. Goosebumps rise on my arms, and not from the cold. 

"I know, it's pretty insane that you've put up with me for so long," he jokes, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. His broad body shields me from most of the wind, and I chuckle into his side. 

Suddenly, we see Chase pull the car around, and I happily pop into the back seat, dragging Connor in with me. We spend most of the car ride kissing and annoying the hell out of Chase, who replies with "Stop that, you both are ridiculous." 

When we pull up to the Pack house, there is a large amount of people helping move furniture out of a U-haul moving truck. Pink couches, vanities, and bedding are being distributed among everyone, creating an assembly line between the street and the front door. Isabel and Adrian stand in the middle of it all. 

Yes ladies and gentlemen, Isabel Cornwall is officially moving into the pack house tomorrow (even though she has already been spending the night with Adrian for the past month) with her entire family. Her and Adrian are standing in the front yard; Isabel is facing a large man wearing a T-shirt that says "Harvey's Movers" on the back. Adrian stands behind her, a small smile on his face. He looks at her like a love-struck puppy would look at a giant bone. Connor nudges me, but all I can do is shoot him an amused smile. 

Adrian and I had decided to put our fight behind us, while I promised not to judge Isabel anymore for her past. I mean, she hasn't cheated on Adrian. Yet, a little voice screams in my head. But I push it away. If Adrian's happy, then I ought to be happy as well. 

"He's so whipped," Connor mutters to me at Adrian's heated gaze. I laugh and jokingly push him away from me. I have to use two hands and all my strength to even move him an inch. 

"Hey! I think he's sweet!" 

"I'm sweet!" he retorts, narrowing his green eyes at me. I scoff, totally joking, but he takes offense. His eyebrows furrow together, and he looks down at the ground. "I'm sweet, right?" he murmurs to himself, genuinely confused and taken aback. 

I shake my head, unable to help the giggle that escapes my mouth, making me slap a palm to it as Connor understands the humor. 

"I'm so breaking up with you!" he shouts, but the huge grin painted on his face tells me otherwise. However, people standing around on the lawn start to gape, whispering gossip that is now going to be the talk of the pack house. I can see it now, Connor rejected the Alpha's daughter, will be all everyone will talk about for days. I mentally roll my eyes; People need to get their own lives and stop worrying about mine. 

My uncontrollable (and sometimes embarrassingly loud) cackle travels throughout the pack grounds as I laugh, throwing my arms around his neck. "You're the sweetest, Connor," I say as I inch my lips towards his. I was only aiming for a small peck, but he grabs my wrists and guides my lips open to mold with his. All my thoughts of Pack House gossip melts away, and I can only focus on the way Connor grips me all over, as if he can't get enough. 

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