Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 

Song of the chapter: "Bring on the Comets" by VHS or Beta

Connor POV

I keep my jaw tight, teeth gritted, when I really just want to scream. Or punch something. Maybe both. 

It's not Kiara's fault. She didn't know. But she also doesn't know that she's in even more danger now than she was before. 

"Chase," I press. He looks at me with questioning eyes. "Take Kiara home."  

Chase growls at me, not liking how I'm ordering him around. But I don't care; I just want Kiara out of here. "Just do it!" I say between my teeth. Chase finally complies and nudges Kiara with his nose. She still looks freaked out, like she's frozen on the spot. She doesn't look like she wants to move. Chase nudges her until she's settled on his back, and speeds off in the direction of the pack house. 

I wait for a minute and take a look around to make sure we're alone. Then I explode. "What the fuck, Nick? Seriously, what the fuck!" 

Nick doubles over and laughs, holding his stomach. He chokes out words while he laughs. "Mates... I can't believe it... She thinks... Oh my god!" More laughing. 

I wait for him to calm down, because I honestly don't know why he hasn't threatened to kill me yet. I'm waiting for him to just pull the trigger of his gun and shoot me.  

He wipes his eyes with a finger and places his gun back into the holster of his belt. I remain impassive, but on the inside I'm confused as hell. Nick claps me on the back as if we're old friends. "Great plan, man. Honestly, I didn't think you had it in you."

I raise an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

"Your little plan to get close to the daughter! It's brilliant, I tell you." He snorts a laugh. "Mates. How can someone be so naive as to think that some random wolfie shows up and WHAM! He's automatically your mate. Wolves, they're getting stupider by the year. I mean, that would have to be one in a freaking million."  

I chuckle. "Yeah, one in a freaking million." Holy shit. He thinks I'm faking it!

"Wait," I say. "You know what a mate is?"

Nick takes off his beanie and shakes out his black hair. He then pulls out a cigarette and lights it, taking a long drag. "Course I do. It's ridiculous wolf shit where you get the girl, and she's totally in to you. I mean, she has to be in to you because of some werewolf legend." 

I run a hand through my hair. "It's a lot more than that, trust me."  

"Whatever it is, it's bullshit. But it's a great plan, I'll give you that Loverboy," Nick says. He pulls out his phone. "I gotta tell Dad."

"You and Saxton knew about mates and didn't think to tell me?" Nick shrugs, and I ball my hands into fists. "I had to find out so much shit about myself I didn't even know could happen!"

"Better be thankful you're a quick learner then," he says as he steps on his cigarette with the toe of his shoe. He pulls out another and hands it to me. "Want one?" 

I smack it away from his hand, still so fucking pissed. "And why would you try and kill us? It's not Kiara's birthday yet, I still have four months!" Holy shit, I have four months. 

Nick smiles and just takes another cigarette, making sure to blow the smoke directly in my face. "I was bored of watching you play fucking house. Get close to the Alpha. Now."


Closing the front door of the pack house, I don't expect everything to be so quiet. Usually everyone was walking around, cooking food, or haning out. But now, I'd be able to hear a pin drop. I walk from room to room until I reach the lounge, where I see everyone huddled around each other. 

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