Chapter Fifteen.

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“She hit her head pretty hard when she fell.”


“The drugs should be out of her system soon.”


“Leave the water on the table, and we'll probably need to get some pain killers.”

The muffle of voices kept breaking through the darkness intermittently. At least I think it was, I had no sense of time and where I remember feeling light enough to float, I had never been so aware of how much of my body weighed. Movement was impossible, my muscles didn’t hold the strength to lift my limbs, my eyelids were made of lead and barely fluttering them open, I was only met by further darkness.

“What the hell did you do?”

I’d know that voice anywhere, yet it was as if my jaw had been strapped shut and it refused to open as I begged my mouth to obey. Jordan; he was here.

Where was here?

“We had a few complications.” Zane.

“Complications that what, made you put her into a coma?” Jordan snaps.

“Settle down Jord, it was a simple tranquilizer. Three times she gave us the slip so we had to make sure she wouldn’t get away again!” Chris defended.

Three times? I had a feeling we were being watched, but I was expecting Selene’s dogs not my own kind. If Jordan was behind this, why didn’t they just tell me? I would have gone with them willingly and saved on all the drama. Being kidnapped wasn’t exactly the best idea they’ve ever had and what about Logan? Was he ok or was he behind it too? If this was all an act to take me to Jordan, they better start running.

Lost in thought, the voices had disappeared and now when I fought to open my eyes, I could.  All I am greeted with now is what could easily be the worst hangover I’ve ever had in my life. The room is empty of visitors and it takes me a few attempts to be able to sit up, which is another choice I regret as my head still feels like it is made of stone and about to break my neck. Holding my head up in a bid to stop the room from spinning, I reach out around me and find the bottle of water on the nightstand. I decide against drinking any, not trusting them not to have put anything else in it and attempt to stand. It isn’t as hard as sitting up was and after swaying for a few moments, begin to regain my focus and try to locate the door, which of course is locked.

The next thing I find it the light switch and flicking it on, my suspicions of no window is confirmed and the only furniture is an old bed and simple nightstand. The room is otherwise bare and poorly decorated with grey carpet and white walls. Turning the light off, I move into a corner behind the door and try to think up a plan.

I know Jordan had been here and now I just had to get to him. I slap my cheeks in a bid to wake up and giving in, open the sealed bottle of water and splash some over my face and dare to take a swig, which turns into a gulp and I’ve soon finished the bottle.

“Smart move Ellie,” I mumble, throwing the container to the floor.

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