Chapter 1

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"You look familiar."

A curious male voice sounded above me, and I barely glanced away from my screen to acknowledge him. A zombie army was heading straight towards my sunflower garden of doom and I could guarantee that wherever he was planning on going with 'you look familiar' was nowhere near as interesting to me as those tiny cartoon monsters.

"I have one of those faces."

Did I, though? It had never really come up before, but it was the nicest thing I could say back to him. Hopefully, he'll get the hint and move on.

"No, I think I know you from somewhere," He continued, dropping into the seat beside me. "I just can't remember where. Maybe it's from-"

"If you say your dreams, I'm not going to be held accountable for my actions."

Dark grey eyes met mine with an intensity that made it impossible to stop the shiver that ran up my spine. That was never a good sign; a warning that trouble was on its way and now I had given this guy the attention he wanted. Too bad there was something in his eyes that made me stare, and not just because they reminded me of the sky before a storm hit. Maybe the storm had already arrived as it became clearer. He was scared, and not just because of my threat.

"Well now you've mentioned it," He smiled, the moment was broken as he oozed the type of self-confidence that made it clear that line had worked for him in the past. "That's not it, but if you'd like to feature in them tonight I know a few ways you can inspire me."


It was so obvious now I was focused on him. It wasn't just self-confidence he was projecting, it was a full-on alpha male vibe that made my stomach roll and a bit vomit burn at the back of my throat. Trackers were, all the same, way too much time spent around the werewolves and shifting animals their kind were created to deal with. Much like how Slayers ended up being as creepy as the vampires and undead creatures they lurk around.

"Unlikely, mutt keeper." I rolled my eyes as I leaned as far away as possible from him in my chair as I returned to my game.

Of course, our types are pulled together and more than that, he hadn't yet worked out I was part of his secret world. Do I look familiar, yeah idiot. I do. That fear in your eyes matches the fear in mine and I want no part of whatever trouble you're in or in the process of tracking down.

"What did you say?" He demanded, his tone losing the charming facade he'd had a second earlier.

"Miss Bunting?" We both turn to look at the light fae standing beside the counter. "Please come this way."

She smiles, glowing in that ridiculous way they do when they're happy. The unaware people around us would give credit to good lighting and a healthy complexion only we know better. I force a smile as I stand, tucking my phone into my purse as I am glad to be trapping myself in a room with Little Miss Sunshine rather than staying beside the Tracker; even if he is likely to be visiting me in my dreams tonight. Before I can put any distance between us, his hand is around my wrist and he's standing much too close beside me. Looking up at him now, a few new feelings start to flutter around my stomach.

"You're Elise Bunting?" I am almost offended at how he asks this and tug my hand free as the fae calls my name again.

"Guess I do look familiar after all," I smirk, moving quicker than I need to towards freedom and enjoy the moment.

I hated being a Bunting, with this situation is currently being excluded from years of what my Father calls teenage angst. Following the fae down the corridor, I don't look back and hope that Tracker has heard of me for good reasons, like my record for sneaking out of Huntington's Academy; the school we're all sent to learn some kind of survival skills before being sent our doom. My brother's god complex is even worse than my Fathers so I doubt he would be a friend of the family unless he knows Penny Grimm in which case her tastes have improved since our Academy days.

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