27th February 2011

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Dear Bob,

Every day people die. The elderly, children, sons and daughters... Hunters. Trackers. Slayers. When we moved into this neighbourhood, the elderly couple across from us had just lost a grandson in a car accident. Their sadness got to me. I didnt know their grandson. I still dont even know his name or theirs for that matter. The sense of loss was there, for a moment I shared their pain.

When celebrities die, the world goes into a shared sense of mourning. They're public figures, you see them in movies - in magazines and on radio, you feel like you know them. 

How many people die all around you, how many people do you pass in the streets that are experiencing their own losses? Pets, family... friends... we all die yet no one even stops to say sorry for your loss because they dont know. It doesn't affect them, they don't care until it happens to them.

Our fate is to fight against the evils of the world, to protect the human population. We dont get a say in this. We are chosen simply by who our parents are. Look at Mum, Nana is a normal every day human whose one night stand was with the worst possible man in the world. Had she chosen anyone but the Slayer to go with, Mum would have been born normal. She never would have met Dad. Maybe I wouldn't be alive, but the children she did have would be normal. unaware.

If we are here to protect the normal humans, who protects us?

We are goverened by rules. If a demon is due to to die, we have guidelines. We report things. We put our lives on the line for a thankless job. Only something like 0.06% of the population are unlucky enough to know of our existance and practically all of them are the vampires pets. Even they can be brainwashed out of remembering their masters, but we don't get that luxury.

If we get past fifty, we get respect amongst our peers. 

There is never a retirement. 

Maybe if there was someone out there to protect us, these kind of things won't happen.

Future readers, take nothing for granted. Friendships, lovers, family - appreciate them all. Even the ones who drive you crazy because they're not always going to be there.

I can't say much about Reece. He was intense. There was something about him I couldn't ignore and I don't regret what happened between us. I just hate that by letting him have a second in my life - it ended up costing him his.

He didn't take shit, I thought he didn't know how to let his hair down and have fun, but for him - being a Slayer was a responsibility not a burden. I wish I could see things like he did.

I promised him if the demon won I would kill him.

I'm sorry I couldn't stop this all from happening.

I kept my promise and I know he would understand, appreciate and not hate me for doing that.

I may not have known him, but I will miss him and all of the possibilities what his life could have been. 

 RIP Reece Black.

Elise Bunting.

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