Twenty Four

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I feel that it was nearly impossible for either of the beings to believe the situation they had brought themselves into. The lone, antisocial biologist with a quirky magizoologist who had dared to smuggle the girl he loved across an ocean. Now, I don't know what some of the people out there would say about this, but I believe these two would truly call that love. (Name) and Newt would not have it any other way.

(Name) sat silently in Newt's messy study where she had been writing quickly on some tan recycled paper, making quick strokes with every letter. Newt had been organizing his papers, mind you for what had to be the hundredth time in that day. Those papers had seemed to have a mind of their own as they had always managed to fall along the floors without any mercy to the poor man. Newt's hair had begun to stick against his forehead as he had grabbed the last paper off the floor with a tired and worn out sigh. "Thank heavens." He had said as he set them down.

"You alright?" (Name) said softly as she had for the first time in hours lifted her pencil fully off her paper and moved his hair off of his forehead. Newt had closed his eyes to take in the feeling of the girl's hands against his face. He slightly leaned his head forward against her hand with a smile softly forming against the edges of his lips. "I'll never get over how calming you are." He had said in a tone no louder than a soft whisper.

The girl looked down and slowly moved her hand away with her smile never fading off. They just stayed like that for a moment, frozen in the bliss of each others simple presence. Slowly, (Name) had picked her pencil once more and continued her writing. Newt had resumed organizing the room, and that was how it had been working for the past couple days. She would write, he would organize, and one of them would initiate contact only for it to end in a slim second. Not that they had minded. They were both well kept silent people.

"Hungry?" Newt had broken the well-known silence that the two were so used to. (Name) had frozen up. She had slowly looked up and cleared her throat. "I suppose I am, yeah." She said before setting her pencil in the binding of her journal and closing the black cover up. Newt had put a paperweight over his messy stack of papers in a hope to keep everything in order before he had turned on his sock covered heels and walked sluggishly into his large kitchen. He had looked around the pans that were grimey and left in disarray, and I could swear to you that a blush had formed against his cheeks.

(Name) had only sat down silently and crossed her arms. "Well? I'm not here to see you blush over there, Scamander." She had said with a soft smirk forming on her lips. Newt's blush had only increased as he had rushed over to clean up some of the pans and pots before looking through his cupboard and fridge. "What would you like to eat?.." He had asked while throwing out some expired canned foods. (Name) had only shrugged before sighing.

"Something edible." She had replied cheekily with Newt having a smile twitch against the edge of his lips. "Got it." He had said, before he had began heating up the freshest food he had. In a quick little minute the food was done and Newt had set it into two plates. The mushy looking mess of food had steam floating elegantly over it as Newt had set the two plates down, one in front of the girl.

"Thank you." She had nodded before beginning to eat. With her first bite, she had frozen and slowly looked up at the man. His facial expression showed his obvious fear of her disliking it, but a wide grin quickly grew on her face.

"It's amazing!"

Biology • Newt Scamander x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now