Twenty Two

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Back, and then forth.

Back, and then forth.

The boat rocked back and then forth as it stood in the dock. Newt was near the end of the line on the boat while he had tried to give himself enough space so that he wouldn't accidentally bump into one of the other passengers with his case and possibly wake up the girl yet again. But she already sat in the case with her eyes open as she had eagerly sat on the bed. She could feel the soft rocking from the boat and it excited her. A new place, a fresh start, all with someone she loved.

It was funny to think about, really. Having the chance to actually say that she loved someone. That someone is a wizard. Oh, it sounded even weirder in her head. She didn't know if she majorly had screwed up, or this was the best mistake of her life. But, all could only be told in time. She sat in that case still, waiting to get out and see the new place she would call home.

Newt himself was eager, too. He was excited to show the girl the place that he called home. The place that had promised him so much and showed him the miraculous creatures that sparked his interest for life. He was ready for that, and he was beyond happy.

He had finally reached the front of the line and had gotten off of the boat. He had a slight bounce in his step as he had walked down to the bathrooms, going into the males and opening his case up. He knew that there would be questions about why a girl had come out with him, but he didn't care about that right now.

(Name) peaked her head out with a smile as she waved up to Newt. His smile did not dare to fade, and instead it had grown. "Were you alright?" He asked while reaching his hand down for her, helping her out of the case. She had nodded as she pulled herself out with the help of the man. "Quite alright." She said while closing his case and handing it back to him. Newton nodded his head before taking the suitcase in one hand and the girl's soft hand in the other.

"Shall we?"

"We shall."

Biology • Newt Scamander x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now