Twenty Three

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"This way now, watch your step." Newt had said softly while he had delicately held the girl's hand as they has walked up the stairs to his small broken down house that he called his home. (Name) couldn't help but keep her eyes glued on the building that stood behind his house. The tall slender shed like building that was covered in over growth beyond belief. It's door seemed loose at the hinges and it had an odd dimmed light from behind it.

"What's that?" (Name) had asked as she pointed to the shed behind the house. Newt had glanced back at the shed and out on a somber look. "Nothing, I'll show you when it's time." Newt sighed his words out as he had unlocked the door and looked around his house that was a mess of papers, plants, and small animals everywhere. It was almost impossible to find a place where you could actually see the wood of the floor boards.

"Sorry about the mess.." He said as he looked around with pursed lips. He began picking up some of his papers and giving the occasional "Shoo" to some strange creatures scurrying around. (Name) smiled softly as she had watched him scrambling for the papers. "It's fine." (Name) had assured him with her smile softly and slowly growing. Newt glanced at her after a moment, standing up and straightening his suit and coat.

"If you say so, but please try not to step on my work- shoes off too, please." Newt had said as he took his coat off and hung it onto the coat rack. He slipped his shoes off before setting them off by the door. The girl had hesitantly slipped her shoes off and set them delicately next to his. Newt couldn't move his eyes away from her as he had watched her swift but graceful movements.

"Welcome home.." He said softly before he had held both of the girl's hands. Her eyes turned to him and a small smile had formed on her face. A quick peck on the lips was what (Name) had given to Newt before she had hugged him tightly, moving to her toes.

"I love you" They had both said, nearly at once.

Biology • Newt Scamander x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat