Twenty Eight

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Newt felt bad for the girl, and he had later come to (Name) with a cup of hot chocolate. They had watched a couple movies together, and then they had went to bed. The days leading to the family dinner had been long and stressful with Newt teaching her all these wizarding terms she didn't understand. He did a good job of working with the girl though, and in the end she ended up understanding about half the things he taught her.

Basically, she was a hopeless cause.

He dressed her up as nice as he could and he gave her a small kiss on the forehead, and they had set off to see his parents. He had been nervous the whole time, his hands shaky and his palms extremely clammy. She couldn't help him, so all she had done was stayed by his side and flashed him a promising smile every once in a while.

It didn't seem to help very much.

He had knocked on the large door, his knuckles turning white as he had done so. He swallowed nervously and quickly grabbed (Name)'s hand, his grip tight and his lips tightly pursed. She laced her fingers with his before taking a deep breath, her nerves beginning to get to her. It only now had truly dawned the girl that Newt's parents would finally meet her, and if they were to find out she wasn't a witch- she would be obliviated. That had been her nightmare for the past months and months on end, but she had been too scared to ever admit that to Newt. He seemed so happy to know the girl was calm with him, but she just couldn't forget that one thing.

At any moment, (Name) could lose every single memory of Newton. She would be back at home again, working on that stupid biology book she was so curious about and interested in writing, and she would be back to square one. That frightened her. It made her want to cry and scream and throw a fit and just yell out "But it's not fair!". She never would though, and she was fine with that. She was fine with bottling it all up as long as she would never lose him.

The door had opened and a jolly looking man had opened it. He had ginger hair and dark brown eyes with few wrinkles visible on his face. He seemed to be an extremely kind man, just until his eyes met Newt's. His smile fell a few notches. "Newton." He had nodded his head and then shifted his eyes over to (Name). He had smiled a bit more, but still noticeably he was upset. "This must be the one who you like more than your beasts, hm?" He had said with a small chuckle and she had beamed. She stuck her free hand out and cleared her throat. "I'm (Name). Pleasure to meet you." She had said to the man, a smile still painted on her face. His father smiled a bit more as he had taken her hand and shaken it. 

"Rodger Scamander. Pleasure to meet you."

Biology • Newt Scamander x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now