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(Name) quickly had reached back to her house in a total of being thirty minutes off schedule. She had sat down in her chair and cracked her knuckles before she opened up the first book, while setting the other two down with a smile and a content sigh. Her eyes fell down to the first book, but yet every few seconds her eyes fell over to the "free read" that she had gotten for herself. After a few minutes of on and off reading, she had decided to close the book. She put it down against the table and picked up the other book that kept grabbing her eye.

She sighed while she ran her finger over the edge of the book. (Name) knew why the book kept drawing her attention. It kept reminding her of that odd British man. "Oh, lord (Name). He was good looking, you know that." She had sighed out as she rubbed her forehead. She could feel butterflies in her stomach just thinking about his soft eyes and messy hair- she hated it. She hated it because she knew that she'd never see him again. Just then, the doorbell rang.

The door bell had rung.

The doorbell never rang!

Just on the other side of the door stood Newt. He had been standing there for minutes as he debated whether or not to go knock on the door. He didn't want to come off as creepy to the girl, as he didn't even know how he'd explain that he followed her home! After much mental debate he had rung the doorbell and stood back with his arms at his side. One holding his case, and the other holding her papers. It did not take more than a minute for the girl to open the door.

She looked shocked at first to the fact that someone was at the door. She looked even more shocked that the someone at her door was the man that had just seconds ago given her butterflies. She paled and froze before him. Newt was equally as nervous while he slowly looked down at his hand, before not daring to move his head back up and only moving his eyes to see her. He cleared his throat softly, before speaking in a soft tone.

"You dropped these." He had said, with (Name) looking down at the papers that he had lifted up as he had spoken the three words. She hesitantly took the papers from him, instantly feeling something of a rush of relief. What if she had never got these back? The thought made her weary. "Thank you." She said with a weak smile, before Newt had slowly rose his head straight towards her. The girl had the door partially closed as if she was hiding some sort of crime, and she looked almost as if she was waiting for him to leave. He had caught the clue and started walking away.

"Wait!" (Name) had yelled out in a louder tone than needed. Newt stopped and looked over his shoulder, his blue eyes trained on the girl's (colored) ones. He waited for the reason the girl stopped him. "Would you possibly like to come in?" She asked, opening the door just a slight inch more. A smile twitched onto the man's face while he had turned around, heading back towards her house. She had fully opened the door, before she had shifted some books around on her table.

"Please, don't mind the mess." She said while she did not even bother to look at Newt. Though, he was looking around the room awestruck. Plants and greenery seemed to line all of the place, and books were another thing that completely and utterly dominated everything else. "You're a plant lover, I'm guessing?" Newt had asked as he watched the girl, struggling to fit another book into her shelf. After a heaving push and a short grunt she had stopped and turned to Newt, giving him a proud smile. "What can I say? I do like them, sure. But I'm actually a biologist." She said, before she had began walking once again but into another room. Newt had hesitantly followed after her, meeting a new room that must have been the kitchen.

It was a small kitchen, but the room looked so neat that it was almost clear that she had to be OCD in some sort. (Name) had run over to her teapot before looking over her shoulder to Newt. "Would you like some tea?" She asked, before Newt had put down his case and started taking off his coat arm by arm. The whole house seemed to be humid, and it was too hot for the coat.

"Is it because I'm British?" He had asked with a slight smile, before (Name) froze. Did she offend him? "I'm so sorry-" he began apologizing, but Newt had cut her off by shaking his head. "It's alright. I'd love a cup." Newt started, before he pointed down to one of the chairs at the small table. "May I sit?" He asked while the girl had began boiling the tea for him. She nodded and moved around the kitchen, gathering some small cookies and biscuits. After a few moments the pot had began whining out loudly and the girl poured the tea into two small cups. She set Newt's cup first and then hers, before she had set the tray of pastries on the empty place between them.

"I didn't catch your name, by the way." Newt had said, while he wrapped his hands around the cup. (Name) moved her eyes to meet his before she looked down at her cup just to avoid the male's gaze.

"(Name). (Name) (Last Name)."

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