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"What was your major, (Name)?" Rodger had asked the girl while she had taken a forkful of food into her mouth. Newt glanced at her, swallowing a bit nervously. She had kept her eyes on her plate, chewing her food exactly seventeen times before playing with a stray piece of asparagus and shrugging. "Majored in Magizoology." She had said, fairly believably for someone who knew absolutely nothing on any classes in Hogwarts. She barely even knew the name of the school, only briefly recalling Newt's stories and his major.

Rodger nodded and shrugged, putting another forkful in his mouth. Newt's mother had seemed to be watching the girl like a hawk, daring not to touch her food even though she had cooked it herself. "Interesting." She had said, almost with a venomous tone coming from her mouth. (Name) could feel Newt's hand shaking against her leg, and she took his hand and gave it a tiny squeeze. "So, what was your favorite spell?" She had asked. The girl went silent and Newt's hand tightly grasped the girls. "I really don't feel well." Newt had said almost as soon as his mother had put out those words.

His parents instantly seemed to tense up as if they had gotten what they needed. It's almost as if suddenly they knew the girl wasn't a witch. Newt stood up, still grasping the girl's hand. "We must reschedule, really. I've been feeling off all day, I really can't stay. Thanks for the invite though." He had said before putting on a smile, his father frowning and standing up. Newt's smile had quickly dropped before he had held the girl closer towards himself.

"Newton, is she a muggle?" Rodger had hissed.

"This isn't your business." Newt had hissed, a tone that the girl had rarely ever heard. Rodger had just frowned further.

"That's not-" he had began, but Newt had gently pushed the girl behind his back, keeping a hand on her arm.

"She and I are not your business. I am not your business. I haven't been your business for a long time. Before you go ahead and judge me, please understand one thing. I don't give a rats ass who she is. I don't want to hear anything from you, or mother. I don't want to see my brother at my house again, and I don't want to have any trouble with any of you. So, please. Let us retire for the night, and I'll get back to you when I feel you can be decent human beings." Newt had said, venom seeming to drip from his lips. He had turned to the girl and kissed her forehead gently before taking her hand and walking out, the soft sound of rain beginning to fall filling their ears.

Biology • Newt Scamander x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum