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The morning was dreary. There wasn't much sun, and there was light drizzle falling from the sky. Most people stayed indoors, a uncommon thing in the big old city of New York. But, this was normal for a certain self claimed "biologist" with the name of (Name). She was a shy one, someone that would rather read a book on adventures than go on one. She was one of those people that always got others saying that she'd be the one to be homeless due to her delusional dreams.

But, (Name) did have hope that she would someday manage to finish her book and finally be a real, well known, biologist. People and living things in general fascinated the girl. How things worked in a body and how our mind worked, that was another world, a heaven to her. 

(Name) sat in her room while he neatly wrote with her fountain pen. She dotted her last "i" before she sat back, smiling proudly at her work. She had finally finished one more part of her book, marking her one step closer to finishing the book. Though, that meant another thing. She had to go out to buy more books for the next part. The girl let out a long sigh before she had gotten up and dressed herself in a white blouse and a navy skirt before she walked out to head to the book shop.

The rain had mostly cleared at this point, leaving the ground only a bit wet and the air a bit thick. People were starting to come out again, filling up the streets. Uneasiness filled (Name) as soon as more people started walking near her. She hated it. She picked up a bit of speed to get ahead, in a hope to escape the other people around.

"Agh!" (Name) yelled out as she flew forward after she had tripped on a stair. She closed her eyes tightly while she took most of the impact on her soft and small hands. She groaned as she opened her eyes to see the slashes left behind by the concrete stairs. People walked past (Name) without a second thought, not even thinking to help the girl. She had crawled a bit off to the side as she winced because of the pain shooting in her hands. "Damn it.." she had muttered under her breath before she had hesitantly stood up slowly.

(Name) sighed while she walked in the opposite direction she was supposed to be walking in. Instead of heading the book shop as she was originally planning, now she headed in the opposite direction towards a drug store. She tried to hold her black scarf in between her hands in a hope to stop the blood from dripping at least a tiny bit. To her bitter luck, it had barely helped. She quickly arrived to the drug store though, walking in quickly with the bell above the door chiming throughout the store. All eyes had turned to her.

(Name) hung her head as she had made her way over to the first aid section,  grabbing a bit of gauze and some Neosporin. Her hands burned with every move, and instinctively she bit her lip to hold in her curses. She made her way up to the front counter that sat right under a flickering light with flies practically rounding the cashier's head,

"Will this be all?" He asked in a bored tone while his tired eyes were hung partially shut. (Name) had nodded while the man had gave out a long and tired sigh. It was clear that he must have been running double shifts. "Ten sixty one." He had said in a mumble like tone. (Name) instantly froze. That much for a bit of gauze and Neosporin?  She looked down at her watch with her face paling. Hell, she was already off schedule by ten minutes, she didn't have anymore time to waste! Her time was limited to finish her book, and she wasn't ready to risk spending anymore time in the junky drugstore.

She had sighed while she quickly pulled out her wallet while attempting to use only her fingertips. She pulled out a twenty and put it onto the counter. The man had watched her actions before his eyes fell to the bill. His tired movements were slow, making (Name) grow more and more impatient by the minute. "Oh for gods sake!" She had yelled as she simply grabbed the items off the counter and sped out of the shop in a speed walk.

Newton Scamander watched as the girl entered the store. His eyes had moved away from the newsstand as they turned to her. Panic covered her features, and Newt couldn't tell if it was because of the blood covered on her hands, or for another reason. He was about to ask the girl himself, but as soon as he had taken a step towards her she had ran off to the first aid section. Newt had furrowed his brows and stopped himself from following her. "It's nothing of your concern." Newt had whispered to himself, before he had turned back to the stand.

His attention did not move off the girl, though. As soon as she had come up front his eyes had flew over to her. Her rush and impatience visible on each and every one of her features. She rushed out of the building after a moment, carrying the supplies in her bloody hands.

"Sir, are you going to buy that?" The man from behind the register asked Newt. Newt's head shot over to the man a bit in  anxiety, before he turned back to the window, hoping to still see the girl there. She was gone. Newt sighed before he put the small newspaper back into it's spot as he had picked up his large case, walking out of the drugstore with the bell overhead ringing after him.

Maybe this visit wouldn't be as pointless as he thought.

Biology • Newt Scamander x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now