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Newt was laying as stiff as a board against the soft bed. He was running his wand between his forefinger and thumb, eyes trained on the way it had spun. (Name) sat in her small reading room with only the dim light of her lamp filling the room. Her hair was pulled up above her shoulders in a messy way, and she wore a large shirt only over her undergarments. She was beyond tired, yawning every few minutes while she had checked the time. She sighed before rubbing her forehead, slamming the book onto her dresser.

"I can't do this!" She had yelled out, causing Newt to jump from his room and drop the wand onto the floor. It rolled with a wood on wood sound, just loud enough for (Name) to hear from next door. She froze in place while she had heard the footsteps of the man draw near. Newt had stood in his white dress shirt and pants while he had looked over at the girl who was blank. "I'm really sorry!" She had said while she groaned and set her face between her hands. "I'm just having-" She began, wanting to say she was having a bit of a daze thinking about everything that had happened today. "I'm tired." She finished, in a most part it had been a lie.

Newt furrowed his brows slightly before he looked around the room, spotting another chair off in the corner a bit. He had smiled slightly and pulled a seat up to where (Name) sat. He sat down in the chair and pointed to her book, before shifting his eyes over to her. "May I?" He asked, before she hesitantly shrugged and slightly pushed the book over to him. He licked his lip slightly, before he had shifted his gaze over to her one last time and then back to the book.

"Maybe if I read it to you it'll help you get notes." Newt had suggested, and by the sound of the girl scrambling to get a pen and paper, he took it as a yes. He cleared his throat before he had started reading, the soft sound of her pen against the paper. After a few minutes of Newt reading off the book, he had finally yawned and looked over to the girl. (Name) had her head rested against her arms while she slept silently. She was out like a light, and Newt faintly smiled because of that.

"An odd muggle, that's for sure." He said in a whisper before he had sighed, rubbing his temples. "A muggle." He said, before he had gotten up and made his way back to his room. He yawned once more before he let himself fall onto the bed he was given. He took his wand off of his dresser and looked over it once more. New York. Why had he chosen to come to this place? A vacation. A vacation that would end up being more stressful than calming.

"Up and at em', Mister Scamander!" (Name) had called out cheerfully, pulling the curtains open with a loud sound of the curtains moving apart. Newt's eyes had shot open before he had jumped off the bed, landing on the floor with a grunt. He slowly sat up and rubbed his head with his eyes still drooping as he looked up at her. "You scared me!" He had said with his voice rising a bit. (Name) laughed slightly before she reached a hand down for Newt. He was hesitant to take her hand, but once he did, she had tugged him back onto his feet with his chest hitting against hers.

(Name) froze up and Newt's face had turned bloodshot. His eyes met exactly to hers and they just stood like that for a few moments. Until, there was a crashing sound in the kitchen. All at once it was like sudden realization what was going on and Newt had quickly moved away from her. His eyes did not dare leave hers, though. Another crash on pans and breaking plates could be heard from the kitchen. Newt shot his eyes over to his case seeing that the thing was unlocked, and instantly his heart dropped.

"What the hell?" (Name) whispered before she started walking to the kitchen. Newt had slammed his case shut and locked it instantly before he had scrambled to run into the kitchen. He looked around in a rush, seeing the back of his Niffler as it was going through the girl's cups and silverware. "HEY!" Newt had yelled while he ran past the girl and chased after the small. It looked like a small cross between a platypus and a mole, and it was stuffing all of her shiny spoons and forks into it's odd stomach pouch.

"GET BACK HERE!" Newt yelled again, this time sounding even more irritated than before. The Niffler stopped for a moment to look at Newt while he had slowly stuck another spoon into his pouch. Newt leapt forward and grabbed the Niffler before he grabbed it's legs and started shaking it with it's head downward. Spoons, knives, forks, and all other sorts of shiny kitchenware fell tumbling out of the creature and out onto the floor. The sound of the metal clattering on the floor filled the room.

"Untrainable. Completely and utterly untrainable." Newt had scolded while the Niffler put it's small stubby hands over it's chest, making some sort of sorry like whine. Newt sighed and put the creature back upwards and still had a hard grasp on the beast. It was only after a few minutes that Newt finally realized he had a set of eyes staring him down.

(Name) stood there with her mouth hanging half open while she stared at the thing that had somehow managed to hold all of her silverware in it's pouch. Newt's face paled as he had held the Niffler a bit lower, as if she would not be able to see it if he lowered it. But, her eyes slowly moved to his. Her heart was pounding and her heart was racing. The only thing she could manage to sputter out was;

"What is that, and who are you?"

Biology • Newt Scamander x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now