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(Name) walked out of the store, carrying three books. Two had been for her next part of her book, while the third was primarily just a free read for herself. Psychology and Mathematics of Love had been the title. She held that book closed to her body between her gauze covered hands while she walked down the streets. She wasn't sure what had drawn her to the books, but she had decided to take it as a free read. (Name) laughed a little to herself. "I don't ever have time for a free read." She had mumbled to herself, before she looked down for a moment.

She was lost in thought today. She could barely walk without failing in one way or another. As soon as (Name) had looked up, her eyes had widened. She had walked straight into a tall man with soft reddish brown looking hair that was messy, and light blue eyes. (Name) had started falling back as she had yelled slightly. Her books fell to the ground as she stretched her arms forward. Newt had dropped his case to the ground while he grabbed the girl's arms. He had stared at the girl for a moment a bit in slight disbelief, before he had pulled the girl back onto her feet.

(Name) gathered her breath as she closed her eyes. It seemed to have taken a moment or two, and in this time Newt hadn't moved his eyes away from her. It was odd. The girl had this feeling to her, but Newt wasn't sure what it was. A slight uneasiness? Yeah, that had been part of it. His eyes fell down to her hands still holding onto his. He instantly moved his hands away from hers, causing her eyes to shoot open. Her (colored) eyes met his blue ones. Now it had been her turn to look him over. His soft freckles, his bright coat with his bow-tie- (Name) was caught even more frozen than with other people. He seemed too above her. He seemed like someone that wouldn't look twice at her,

"I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." She said hesitantly while she moved her eyes back to his. Newt's eyes had moved back to hers before down to her books. "It's fine, I wasn't paying mind to my way either." He said half heartedly while he bent over to pick up her books. His accent had instantly froze the girl. British. He put the books into a small pile before he stood up. (Name) had instantly paled while she saw the book on the top reading Psychology and Mathematics of Love. Newt took a moment to realize what she was staring at, his eyes falling to the book. He didn't really see anything too odd in it, but clearly the girl did. She had quickly picked up his suitcase and handed it to him, before taking the books and holding them close to her.

"I'm really sorry, again." She had apologized, but Newt seemed to instantly dismiss her second apology. His eyes fell to her bandages that seemed to already be bled through. "What happened?" He asked, but she had looked down at her hands and frowned. She didn't want to tell him, hell, she didn't want to tell anyone. "I fell." She said quickly, before slightly cringing at her words. "Ah, I see. My name is Newt Scamander. It's a pleasure to meet you. Can I give you a small bit of medical advice?" He asked while he had stuck his hand into his pocket.

(Name)'s face was blank. "Sure?" She said in a hesitant tone as Newt had looked down at her hands once more. "I do believe that needs stitches." He said before moving his free hand to her hands, removing one of them from the books. (Name)'s heart rate had doubled while she had hesitantly moved her hand away. That's when it hit her- she was behind schedule, and she's getting more and more behind it by the minute!

"I'm late!" She had instantly cried out, before Newt stepped back in surprise. The girl shot her eyes down to her watch before she had started running back home, her legs moving at a rushing speed. A frown spread on Newt's face before his eyes fell to a few papers laying upon the ground. Newt slowly bent over and grabbed them, reading over all the neat writing. She was a biologist. These had to be her papers. He had to return them. Before he had gotten up, though, he read over the name one last time. "(Name) (Last Name)" he read, in a soft voice.

The feeling of uneasiness returned again. But this time, he almost felt a smile creep on his lips.

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