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(Name) slowly opened her eyes to look at the man before her. He was wearing a suit and he had large circled glasses perched on his nose. He was an odd, scruffy man. Nothing about him looked special or familiar, and suddenly the girl stood clueless as she had looked over at Newt. A look of pure terror was upon his face as he had slowly backed away. "Come on." Newt's was harsh as he spoke to (Name). She looked over at him with her brows furrowed and her head slightly tilted. "Why-" She began, but her voice was instantly cut off.

"NOW!" Newt had yelled out. This was the first time he had yelled at the girl, and she felt a knot form in her chest as soon as Newt had boomed his voice through the store. The cashier was watching with an amused face while he had slowly moved his hand over to the wand. Newt ran over and grabbed (Name)'s hand, pulling her through the shop and weaving through the stands covered in goods. "Newt, slow down!" (Name) had yelled while she started stumbling on her own feet. Newt could hear another pair of feet trailing behind him, and he had stopped and groaned.

"Oh, Tina. Tina, why did you tell them." Newt had managed to say in between his groan before he took the case out of the girl's hand. He set it down onto the ground before he picked up the girl. Her yelp had echoed through the store with the steps stopping, and then starting at an even faster speed. (Name) had held onto Newt's neck while he had managed to pick up the case, handing it up to the girl. "Hold onto this." He said with her nodding. She draped the case over his back and he was running at a blazing speed.

May it have been his long legs or his time in the wilderness, but he was one of the fastest runners that (Name) had ever seen. "Hey, wait!" The man was yelling as he followed after them. Newt ran out the door before closing it behind him with his foot. A sickening slam of the man running into the door filled both of their ears, and the two stood frozen standing before the door.

"What... was that?" (Name) asked as she loosened her grip on Newt's neck. He had taken the gesture as a hint to let her go, and he did. He set her gently upon the pavement, taking his case back into his own hands. "No clue, he must have been jealous that I had an amazingly stunning girl at my side." Newt said in an almost obvious lie. She had instantly saw through the cheesy lie, crossing her arms over his chest. "I saw a wand, Scamander." (Name) said, earning a sigh from him after a moment. His eyes fell to the ground while his hair had fallen more over his eye.

"Why was he chasing you?" (Name) asked, putting a supportive hand onto his arm. Newt shifted his eyes over to her hand before he looked to the sky in an attempt to avoid meeting the girl's gaze. "I'm not supposed to be in New York." Newt said as he had thought back to the time where Madam President had said that he and his odd case had to stay away. (Name) knew better than to ask about what he had done, instead she just took a soft and annoyed sigh. "Is that all?" She asked, sounding more like a disappointed mother than the man's lover.

"No." Newt didn't dare look down at her, and he didn't dare meet her eyes once more. He could not lie to her, either. He did not want to tell her that it would all be okay, because he was not even sure of that anymore. "What is it?" (Name) asked, her voice not becoming any harsher. She was still soft and kind, and no matter how much Newt wanted to lie to her and say that nothing else was wrong and he was kidding, he could not bring himself to do so.

"I have a friend named Tina. I trusted her with my life." Newt began, slowly and hesitantly moving his head down to look at the girl. Her eyes were soft and curious, something he saw a lot whenever he began to tell her about his life. Newt began slowly walking down the street with the girl tailing behind closely. Newt did not truly want to go on, though. He wanted to end his story right there. He cleared his throat, continuing on.

"I told her that I was staying with you, hoping that maybe, oh just maybe she wouldn't betray my trust." Newt said sounding more hurt than angry. (Name) set a hand on his arm and rubbed it softly. "It's alright." She said, trying to calm Newt down. He nodded and turned his eyes to the ground, keeping all his focus there. "You see, muggles or- no magic people are not supposed to be friends with wizards in America. And, even more so-" He turned to look at (Name) with his lips pursed slightly. He was hesitant to even say that word. He simply turned back forward, not saying it.

"Tina's nice. Tina's nice, very nice. But, she goes by the rules." Newt explained with his voice seeming to crack every few seconds. It broke (Name)'s heart to hear him this way, her arms instantly wrapping around Newt tightly. He was slightly shaking while he had hugged the girl, still holding onto the case in one hand. He set his head up top of hers, and closed his eyes tightly. The warmth between them was enough to make Newt have a faint smile crawl onto his lips.

"I won't let them get to you, (Name). I swear that upon my name, I swear it truthfully." Newt had said in a whisper, just loud enough for her to hear.

With a skip of a beat in her heart, she nestled closer to her chest and she had never ever felt this safe before in her life.

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