Twenty Six

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"Who's this girl? Theseus had asked as he had walked over to her, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes hard. (Name) was completely tense as she stood there and watched Theseus's every single step. He had been circling her as if she was some sort of prey and he had been the hunter. He had stopped in front of the girl and turned quickly back to Newt. "Newton, who is the girl?" He had repeated himself, this time his tone harsh and rough. Newt's face had been burning bright red as he had swallowed roughly.

Newt wasn't sure what to say to his brother. He could admit that she was a muggle and also that she was his girlfriend, but he had rather decided against it. He did want to explain that she was his girlfriend, though. He had gently pulled the girl away from Theseus before wrapping his arm protectively around her. She had glanced up at him for a moment before dropping her eyes down to the wood floor.

"This is my-" He hesitated, pursuing his lips together and quickly taking a deep breath. "This is my girlfriend. Her name is (Name)" He had said now proudly, smiling and straightening himself out. The girl had looked up at him once more, a smile appearing quickly on her face. He hadn't called her his girlfriend before, and it felt nice to say. He liked how the sound had rolled off his tongue and filled the room. Theseus had frozen in place before his jaw had nearly dropped to the floor. His eyes had turned to the girl, his eyes narrowing. He could tell there was something off about her, but he couldn't figure out what it exactly was. He had looked back at his brother, his face slightly disapproving.

"You finally found someone that actually likes you, huh?" He had said a bit mockingly towards his brother. Newt's face had fallen hard before he had tightened his grip on the girl. (Name) tensed up slightly as she had wrapped her arms around Newt, slowly and hesitantly. She could tell how tense he was and she wanted to try her best to calm him down. It did help, Newt would've admitted if you had asked him. He had swallowed roughly before smiling weakly at his brother.

"I guess I did." He had said, trying to mask the obvious discomfort that his brother had brought up. Theseus, though, clearly saw how uncomfortable he made his brother. He had smirked slightly before crossing his arms. Newt watched his brothers every smug movement and he wanted to hit him. Badly. "So, are you coming to visit mum and dad?" He asked before scanning over his hand as if he had been bored of standing there and speaking with his brother. Newt had took in a slow and deep breath before looking down at the girl he had his arm wrapped upon. She had been looking up at him, her eyes innocent and wide.

Newt hastily gathered his words. "I will. Just leave, Theseus." He had said, his tone filled with annoyance and his blood still slightly boiling. "Bring her, too." He had said almost instantly after Newton had finished speaking. Newt tensed up before dropping his brows and pursing his lips. Slowly, his eyes narrowed. "I will. Leave, Theseus." He hissed, warningly. (Name) had slowly been getting uncomfortable in her partners arms. She didn't dare say anything, but she tightened her hand on the back of his shirt gently.

Newt instantly loosened up. He realized he was scaring her.

"Just leave." Newt had said, sighing and rubbing the girls shoulder gently. (Name) had loosened up, leaning against him gently. With an upset grunt,

Theseus had walked out.

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