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"Newton Artemis Fido Scamander?" A witch had read the name off the clipboard with little to no expression or tone to her voice. Newt slowly rose his head from where he sat, just to look at (Name). She had a nervous but comforting smile on her lips as she had given him a hesitant half nod as if to turn away. He did. Slowly, and he had his heart fall onto the floor. His face furthermore paled, and he had felt his own eyes widened. The outfit was beyond familiar to the male, the fright only intensifying by the seconds.

She was an obliviator. Not an obliviator for the muggles, but for wizards and witches. "No, please. Don't. I'm-" He was sputtering out words while his eyes had began watering over at this point. (Name) had hesitantly and slowly stood up, taking ground next to him as the witch had opened the bars, the creak filling the echo of the room. The witch had grabbed Newt's wrist as he struggled to get away, chocking out almost in a sob. He grabbed onto (Name)'s hand and quickly placed a kiss upon her head.

"I'm so sorry." He had chocked out as loud as he could as his eyes had started watering over, a soft sob. He was being dragged away by the witch, leaving (Name) there with a pain in her chest. No, she wasn't going to stand there and wait. She looked left, then right. Someone must be coming to get her as she stood there. She had to run. Fast. So, that's what she did. She ran like she never had before with her feet at an almost blazing speed. The mental image of Newt crying ran over and over in her head, and she had to do something. She skidded to a stop. How would she find him?

Rather, how would she save him?

She stood in the lobby with her eyes watering. (Name) roughly wiped her eyes dried with a fist, though, before she looked around at every single person. "PLEASE!" The scream was so loud and yet so familiar to her. She began running once again, pushing past everyone that she could. She was tailing close at this point, but she was also getting unwanted attention. Unneeded attention. "Hey, miss! STOP!" A man had yelled after (Name) as she ran. She dared look over her shoulder quickly, but that's when she saw it. Newt's case, set in his hands.

She had looked between the direction that Newt went, and to the man. He had the case, and to what she could see, he had Newt's wand, too. She ran for it. She ran straight into that guy, knocking him onto the floor. If someone wasn't already looking at her, they were now. (Name) shifted her eyes to look down at the man who was practically under her. He had dropped the wand and the case a few feet off, and the girl had almost instantly noticed that.

She scrambled to grab the case and wand, grabbing it fairly quickly. A triumphant smile grew on her face before the man on the ground had yelled out. "Hey!" He called, but (Name) had just whipped her head to look at him before running once again. "Oh Newt, please be okay." She kept saying over and over, looking around. She had lost sight of Newton and the witch with her heart falling. She had not a clue on where they could have gone. "How could I have lost him?" She had whispered as her eyes watered and her heart raced.

"I LOVE HER!" Newt screamed from a nearby room. The girl's ears had perked up only slightly before she had ran in the direction of the voice, soft footsteps for her fast speed.  The witch had sighed as she had tried to keep Newt still within the cuffs that she had just put him into. "P-Please..." He had stuttered in breathless whisper. His eyes fell before he closed his eyes. The witch raised the wand to his head.  She had pulled out his good memories after a moment, throwing them into that pool of certain death.

Newt opened his eyes as soon as he heard the soft laugh.

(Name)'s laugh as her face was in the pool.

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