Chapter 60

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(Y/N)'s POV

We were travelling to my parent house for Christmas this year, Chris driving, me in the passenger seat, Tash asleep in her car seat and dodger in the boot. "aww that's so cute, dodger is watching Tash sleep" I smile as I watch the scene behind me, "yeah it's a good thing he's a dog because otherwise that sentence would have been creepy" Chris chuckles "when we get in why don't you go lie down, Tash kept you up a lot of last night" he offers. I shake my head "no it's fine, she kept you up too" I offer, "I don't even feel tired" I say while trying to suppress a yawn. "yeah well that yawn tells me otherwise so you are going to have a cat nap when you get in, even if it's just for 20 minutes" Chris smiles, I sigh slightly "you're not going to take no for an answer are you?" I smirk. Chris smiles triumphantly "nope, this is going to be one of the few arguments I actually win" he says, "this isn't an argument though, so it doesn't count" I laugh, "yeah, yeah whatever I still win, it's going on the scoreboard" he says waving off what I said. I raise a brow at him "scoreboard, you're keeping score on what arguments you win and lose" I ask, I see his eyes widen at what he had just walked into "no, its metaphorical" he starts but back peddles when he see my expression "not metaphorical, there is no score board at all, why would I even have one, I mean huh... I'll just deduct a point" he sighs in defeat, "yeah you do that" I laugh. Chris chuckles as I pull out my phone and take a quick picture of Tash and dodger on my phone, "was it a good picture?" Chris asks, "an adorable one of course it has the two cutest things in it" I smile looking at the photo. "wait how did you get me in it too?" he smirks, "you know what I mean, now focus on driving" I laugh slapping his arm playfully. When we get to my parent house Chris carried our bags and dodger while I held tash, she stirred slightly when I picked her up but was so fast asleep again. when my mom answered the door both me and Chris motioned for her to keep her voice down as we knew how loud and excited she could get. My dad and Nathan then come over to say hello "can I hold my favourite niece?" Nathan asks, "she's you're only niece, but of course" I smile gently passing Tash over so she didn't wake. "I know that, she's still my favourite though" he says gently stroking her cheek with his finger. "munchkin why don't you go lie down now" Chris says softly wrapping his arm around me, "oh were you on night duty last night?" my dad asks. "we both were but whenever it was my turn she didn't go back down easily" I explain with a yawn, "yeah it basically flipped from a couple night ago when it was me she was keeping up" Chris smiles "so go on of you go, 20 minutes at least" he says kissing the top of my head "20 minutes got it" I smile heading up to our room.

It was after lunch now and I had the nap that I promise Chris I would have, although it was much longer than expected because he had snuck in and stolen the alarm I had set so I would only be asleep for 20 minutes. I was kinda annoyed at him for it, and kinda annoyed at myself for liking the fact I had a 2 hour nap instead of 20 minute. I was back down stairs holding Tash while I talked to my mom "I can't believe she's a month old now" my mom sighs as she looks down at Nat, "I know it's gone so quick, but the whole routine of it makes it seem like it's been more than a month, if you get what I mean" I smile. My mom chuckles "yeah I know exactly what you mean, I'm so glad dodger is getting on with the new puppy" she says turning her attention over to dodger and their new black Labrador puppy. The puppy was snuggled up to dodger and the both of them were fast asleep after running around together in the garden, "yeah they are so cute, sorry but what name did you go for in the end?" I ask. "marshall, although when he was still with his mom, jim gave him the nickname of ringleader and tank" my mom laughs, "really why's that?" I ask smiling down at Tash as she just made a cute cooing noise. "because he was the largest puppy of the litter, and was always the one that lead the escapes" my mom laughs, Tash then lets out a happy sounding noise "yes that is funny isn't it?" I say in my baby voice. I glance around the living room and realise that I had no clue where any of the boys were "do you know where all the boys have gotten to?" I ask my mom, "they are probably upstairs all playing on Nathan's Xbox, that's what your dad and Nathan were doing before you arrived" my mom says pointing upstairs "they're doing a good job at keeping it down though, surprise we haven't heard them shouting" she chuckles. I nod in agreement "should we put you down for a bit while I go see where daddy is?" I ask holding Tash up to my face, she just gurgles slightly "I'll take that as a yes then" I chuckle standing up. once I had put Tash in her travel cot and picked up a baby monitor I made my way into nathan's room to find the 3 boys all playing call of duty "Chris, quick I need back up" Nathan whisper yelled. "hold on just gotta, yes! Coming to you now" Chris whisper yelled back, "why did I die from jumping in the river?" my dad whispers confused "because it's too deep and too fast so you die" Nathan explains. "well that's just stupid" my dad sighs, none of them had noticed I was behind them yet. I watched silently for a couple more minutes until Nathan got killed "dammit!" he says slightly too loudly, "bro shhh" Chris whisper yells making me chuckle "you guys are just too funny" I laugh making them all turn round. "how long have you been there?" my dad asks, "since the first time you fell in the river, surely you would have realised you can't jump in on the 5th attempt" I laugh moving to stand next the Chris. "do you want a go munchkin, I can lower the difficulty" Chris asks passing me the controller, "there's no need for that, team death match right? And is it all against all?" I ask taking the controller. "yeah except me Chris and dad have teamed up" Nathan says unpausing the game, "we'll see" I mutter. When the game start I instantly begin shooting down the CPU players and then I see my dad heading for the river again, I shoot him in one go "hey (Y/N) why did you do that?" my dad complains, "because you were going towards the river again and were going to die anyway" I say as I move on. I play for a few more minutes and don't get killed at all "hey Nathan" I smirk, "yeah?" he asks, "turn around" I continues, he turns his character around and as soon as he does I kill him with a head shot. "aww (Y/N) come on" he whines, while Chris just laughs pulling me onto his lap "maybe I should just let you play for me" he says resting his chin on my shoulder. "haha maybe, although you seemed to be better than these two anyway" I say passing back the remote, "thanks to you that is" he smiles. The boys resume the game but Chris doesn't let me get off his lap "nope you are my goodluck charm" he says focussing on the game again. "is Tash with your mom?" he asks a few moments later, "no I put her down in her cot for a bit, I have the monitor with me for if she wants us" I say holding up the monitor "It looks like she's asleep at the moment" I say looking at the screen. "that's good, but we really need to keep our voices down then" he says quietly, I nod in response and watch the boys play their game and whisper yell at each other. There was one point where it went dead silent in the game and at that moment Tash began crying making us all jump, "okay I'll be right back" I say hopping off of Chris lap. "do you want me to go?" he asks looking up at me, "no it's fine enjoy your game" I say pecking his lips before leaving. When I get to Tash she was still crying "hey there little one what's wrong eh?" I ask picking her up and rocking her, I give her nappy a sniff and luckily it wasn't that. "okay I think somebody is hungry then" I say sitting down with her, I begin feeding her and that was definitely what she wanted. Once she was done I grabbed one of the cloths and begin to burp her, "are you all full now?" I say softly "oh little spit up, there we are little one" I say wiping her mouth gently. I begin gently rocking her again "yeah there we are, who's a happy girl" I smile, I see he begin to nod off again so I gently place her back in her cot "sweet dreams little one" I whisper silently making my way out of the room.

A couple of days later it was Christmas day, as we all opened presents Tash spent her time mostly asleep in everyone's arms. She had the cutest babygrow that looked like an elf, we put her down for a proper nap while we had Christmas dinner. Christmas dinner was amazing, I was so glad I had no movie to get fit for because I loved everything on the table. Even after we finished the meal we remained at the table just talking and it was great, Nathan left at one point to call his girlfriend while the rest of us cleaned up the plates and put away the left overs. "you know I heard of this recipe from England that uses leftover like this called bubble and squeak" my mom says as she puts some on the plates in the dishwasher "come again?" I ask slightly confused, "bubble and squeak" she repeats, "so I did hear you right... that is such a weird name" I sigh quickly sneaking dodger and marshall a scrap each. "I saw that" Chris whisper in my ear as he walks past, "well shh, it our little secret" I whisper back, "should I go check on Nat?" he asks kissing my temple. "you can if you want, she hasn't cried yet so is probably still asleep" I say finishing up putting the leftovers away, "okay I'll just poke my head in just in case" he says making his way out of the kitchen. I still had the baby monitor on me and as me, my mom and my dad made our way back into the living room I heard natahsa beginning to cry followed by Chris saying "dammit" in a hushed tone. I chuckle to myself as I listen to him comfort her, I decide to head up to see if he was able to get her back down. When I get to our room I see him changing her nappy "I'm glad you checked on her instead of me" I chuckle walking in, "yeah why does it seem like you do all the feeding and I do all the dirty and smelly stuff?" he smirk glancing up at me. "it's not always that way though is it?" I smile gently tickling natasha's belly, "no, I don't mind as long as I get to spend time with this princess" he says blowing a raspberry on her belly making her smile and gurgle. He finished up changing her nappy, and picks her up and allows her to snuggle into his chest "I think we're going to watch a movie now?" I say as he stands up, "which one?" he asks gently bouncing Tash. "elf I think" I say watching the adorable scene in front of me, "well we can't watch elf without our little elf" he says looking down at Tash, "oh of course not, so should we head down and watch it then" I smile stroking Tash's cheek.

We were all sat watching elf and it was about half an hour or so into the movie, I glance across to Chris to see him still holding Tash's who was curled up on his chest. Both of them were fast asleep, I couldn't help but smile when I notice both of them had their mouths slightly open. I quickly take a photo before going to take Tash to her cot, "Chris, gorgeous I'm just taking Tash" I whisper he wakes slightly "huh, oh okay, here you go" he says sleepily before passing me Tash .Tash yawns once she was in my arms "okay nap time again for you little one" I whisper taking her upstairs to her cot. Once I had her settled I silently made my way back downstairs back to the movie, Chris was still awake when I got back and held his arms open for me. I couldn't help but smile and make my way into his arms, I rested my head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around me. I sighed in content as I got more and more comfortable in his arms, he kissed the top of my head making me look up at him. He smile down at me before he places a sweet kiss on my lips and then my forehead "I love you munchkin" he sighs resting his head on mine "I love you too gorgeous" I sigh back in content. As I rested my head back on his chest I glance over at my parents who were smiling at us, trying not to make it obvious that they were watching us. I instantly blush returning my attention to the movie, while also listening to Chris's heartbeat. It was near the end of the movie and both me and Chris were struggling to stay awake, it really got hard when Chris started rubbing my back and arm making me even more comfortable. I slowly gave up and allowed myself to fall asleep, just as I did the baby monitor came to life and we heard Tash crying. I look up to see it had woken Chris up too, without saying anything both of us got up to go deal with it "no you guys sit down I'll do this one" Nathan says getting up. "are you sure?" Chris asks tiredly, "yeah man it's nothing, you guys are obviously tired" Nathan says, "thank man, there are bottles in the fridge if she's hungry, you'll need a cloth if you feed her, they're in the bag by her cot" Chris says with a yawn. "cool got it, bottle in fridge and cloth in bag by cot" Nathan says double checking it "yeah that's it, thanks so much Nathan, if you need any help just say we'll hear you" I smile holding up the baby monitor. Both me and Chris relax and slowly fall back asleep once we heard Nathan soothing the crying Tash, making me smile knowing I had the best family ever.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now