Chapter 46

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(A/N) hey guys i've been looking at this story, and i am still really enjoying writing it but the only thing i don't like is the cover and i'm terrible at making covers. so if any of you are cover wizzes feel free to make me a new one if you want. i would be super grateful if you did and in return i would give you a shout out and write a steve rogers one shot for you! so just PM or comment if you want to xxx

"hey (Y/N) look at what I put up in the garden!" Chris calls excitedly, I leave the pile of open wedding presents that I was trying to sort out and find Chris standing proudly on the large patio we had. "what is it?" I ask confused, Chris points up and I notice the basketball hoop he had attached to the side of the house "oh so that's why I saw you with the ladder" I realise. Chris grabs a basketball and starts bouncing it "wanna play?" he asks, "oh I don't know we have a lot of presents that need to be put away" I sigh. Chris raises a brow at me "c'mon (Y/N) you know you want to we could play horse" he suggests offering the ball "is it normal horse or your version of horse?" I ask putting my hands on my hips "(Y/N) its warm, nobody can see us so c'mon let's play my version" he smirks. Still apprehensive I sigh deeply not sure what to do "you know I kinda wish you didn't play this in what's your number, because you just love it now" I sigh, "true but it's more fair this time" he says. "how is it more fair?" I ask raising a brow, Chris bounces the ball a couple of times "because both of us are wearing similar amounts of clothing and I don't have to miss on purpose" he smiles "please?" he gives me the puppy dog eyes. I sigh in defeat "okay fine, only the one game though" I say holding out my hands for him to pass the ball, he smiles happily bouncing the ball over. I bounce it a couple of time before taking a shot, "yes!" I exclaim when it goes in "you're up Dorito" I smirk, he runs and grabs the ball before positioning himself he takes the shot and misses. "haha come on shoes off" I laugh happily, he shakes his head "that was a practice, I can do better" he says quickly. "uh uh uh you missed and this is your game so off" I laugh pointing to his shoes, he slides off his trainers "okay fine, but be prepared soon you're just gonna be in you bra and undies" he warns "backboard this time" he says throwing the ball so it hit the board and goes in. "get in, get ready to take your shoes off" he says happily, I grab the ball and take the shot also getting it in "you were saying, how about we make this interesting the person who wins has to do what the other says for the rest of the day" I say holding out my hand. Chris raises a brow at me "anything?" I nod my head "anything, but you have to win it first, you in?" I ask, Chris smirks shaking my hand "deal, get ready to lose" he boasts. "oh sorry were you talking to me or yourself?" I smirk bouncing the ball "just shut up and take the shot" he laughs pointing to the board. I turn my back on the hoop and pretend to crack my neck before throwing the ball hoping it when in, Chris's victorious laughter tells me otherwise. "okay shoes off missy" he laughs, I shake my head in defeat removing my trainers. We continue our game, Chris was currently in just his boxers while I still had my top on which luckily was quite long and covered my undies. Chris had just gotten another shot in and it was back to my turn, I tried to replicate the shot he had just done but failed and missed "dammit!" I shout lifting my top off "I'm starting to really regret playing this game". Chris smiles at me "well if you want whoever misses the next has to take it off inside" he offers, I sigh in relief "thank you" I smile. I lined up to take another shot and pulled off the trick shot I can only do 50% of the time, today was my lucky day as I managed to get it in! "oh alright, let's see that's easy you just do this" Chris says doing the shot, I watch anxiously as he takes it and burst into celebrations when he misses "YES! I WIN!" I laugh. Chris drops his head in defeat, his hands resting on his hips "c'mon inside I have a bunch of things you can do for me" I smirk. He goes to grab the pile of clothes to put them back on "ah ah ah you have to stay like that" I laugh, he drops his shoulders and sighs "but.." he starts " we agreed, you would do anything I want" I laugh grabbing my clothes and his and walking back inside.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now