Chapter 23

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was now may and me and Chris were flying to Atlanta to start filming the new Avengers movie, we arrived at about midday and even though it wasn't technically summer yet boy did it feel like it! "welcome back to hotlanta!" Chris calls as we step out of the airport immediately confronted by the heat "you know this heat almost makes it bearable shaving of this" he says pointing to his beard that he still hadn't shaved off yet. "I swear you love that thing more than me sometime!" I laugh "now c'mon the sooner we can get in the car the sooner we can get to the apartment and sit by the AC" I say pushing him forward slightly towards the driver who was taking us to the apartment. Once in the car both me and Chris stripped off our jumpers that we were wearing for the flight and were downing some cool water in an attempt to stay cool, "these next couple of months are gonna be hard, in this heat I'm gonna lose weight fast!" Chris sighs fanning his face I chuckle at his remark "yes but you will still be a Dorito, I wonder what changes they made to the suits?" I ponder. I didn't really have a super suit in the first movie just a shield uniform "I hope I get to wear the stealth suit again" Chris says smiling. "yes but marvel just love red, plus your suit is navy with red so It's more like the stealth suit anyway, plus I prefer the normal shield as oppose to the stealth one" I say rubbing his arm "yeah that's true but still c'mon it's the stealth suit!" he exclaims smiling.

When we got to the apartment, we immediately dropped our bags and walked swiftly to the aircon vent. Here we remained for an hour or so, Chris's phone began ringing and it was Mackie calling to face time us. "hey what's up falcon big butt!" Chris says as he answers holding the phone so we were both in shot, "not too bad captain little ass, hey (Y/N) you good?" he laughs. I smile at him "I'm good Mackie, you arrived I'm guessing?" I asked, he nodded his head smiling "yep me and sexy seabass are sat by the AC at the moment" he said pointing the camera at seb. Me and Chris laughed "doing the exact same thing here chocolatechino" Chris laughs, seb raises an eyebrow at the camera "hey that's my nickname for him, you have falcon big butt!" he say. "sorry man!" Chris laughs, "so are you two sharing an apartment?" I ask. "yeah since it's just the two of us we thought it would be a good idea" seb says while fixing his hair again, "hey (Y/N) I just realised I don't have a nickname for you!" Mackie said suddenly "and you don't have one for me!". I laugh at his sudden outburst "I'm fine with calling you falcon big butt" I say, he looks like he was thinking for a while before his face lit up and he whispered in sebs ear who then proceeded to laugh and nod his head at mackie. "I have it, since you and Chris are sharing my nickname, me and seb are sharing yours!" he says pointing his finger at me, I laugh "go on then" I say "you're not ready for this" he says laughing he stops himself from laughing enough to finally say what my nickname was "MRS AMERICA!" he say instantly bursting in to laughter. I simply shake my head smiling at the floor, it could have been worse "really?" Chris sighs smiling "hey it's bound to happen, even if you two don't get married your character are most likely gonna" Mackie says holding up his hand in surrender. "anyway me and (Y/N) best head off since we said we were gonna hit the gym when we got here" Chris says "we did?" I ask slightly confused "yeah on the plane, you know getting the last bit in before filming tomorrow" he say winking slightly. I'm still really confused "uh yeah okay sure," I say, "that's a really good idea me and seb will join you!" Mackie cries "see you there!" he says hanging up the phone before Chris could protest. "dammit, I was just trying to get off the phone, now we have to go to the gym!" he complained, "hey you dug your own grave so go lie in it" I laughed pulling myself up "now let's get ready for the gym, we can give ourselves a nice easy session" this time Chris laughed when he stood up, he placed his hands on my hips and looked down at me "since when did you take it easy? You push yourself harder than me sometimes" he say "that's only because I have to stand next to the human dorito all the time, I have a lot to live up to" I say poking his muscles. He laughs at my comment and pecks me on the lips "now c'mon lets beat them to the gym!" he says, I shake my head and smile "always so competitive" I say.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now